Table 1

Details of the models

Model 1Multilevel random intercept model (logistic regression)Random effect variable: DHBAll model terms had Pr(> χ2) value <0.001
Fixed effect variables: age, ethnicity, sex, deprivation, rurality, finance and year-window (stepwise)
Model 2Fixed effect multiple logistic regression modelAge, DHB, ethnicity, sex, deprivation, rurality, year-window and finance (orderly)As above
Model 3Fixed effect multiple logistic regression model with interactionModel 2 variables plus DHB-year interaction termall model terms had Pr(>χ2) value <0.001, and all VIFs including that for the interaction terms were less than five except for finance variable (VIF=5.06)
  • DHB, District Health Board; VIF, Variance Inflation Factor.