Table 1

Eligibility criteria for this study

Selection criteriaInclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
Target group characteristics
Paediatric intensive care units and healthcare staff working in this area.Other departments within the hospital.
Type of activity
Discussion around activity in paediatric intensive care units.Discussion around activity in any other hospital setting.
Study location
Paediatric intensive care units both locally and internationally.Any other healthcare setting, for example, emergency departments, children’s wards or outpatient departments.
Types of articlesStudies from peer-reviewed journals including papers using qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods and case study examples; grey literature.Non-peer-reviewed documents.
Year of publicationArticles published between December 2019 and May 2021.Any articles published before the emergence of COVID-19, pre-December 2019.
LanguagePublications written in English.Any language aside from English.