Table 1

The seven modules of Whitu

Module 1: feelThe first module acknowledges that young people may be feeling low and struggling with negative emotions due to the pandemic. The module introduces the concept of identifying and monitoring emotions, and identifying adaptive and maladaptive coping skills.
Module 2: relaxThe second module addresses the uncertainty and stress that young people may be feeling due to the pandemic. Users are introduced to relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and guided visualisation.
Module 3: be kind to yourselfThe third module introduces the concept of self-compassion and users are guided through a short meditation and self-kindness writing exercise.
Module 4: be thankfulThe fourth module introduces the concept of gratitude and how it is linked to positive well-being. Users are encouraged to create and use a diary or photographic record of things for which they are grateful.
Module 5: connectThe fifth module addresses the negative impact that lockdowns and physical distancing can have on relationships. Users are encouraged to identify important people in their lives and practice ways of staying connected with them.
Module 6: look after your bodyThe sixth module discusses how the pandemic makes it more difficult to stay active and look after our bodies. Users are encouraged to eat more healthily, identify and use available forms of exercise and practice good sleep hygiene.
Module 7: set goalsThe final module acknowledges that the pandemic has probably interrupted routines and made it harder to set healthy goals. User are introduced SMART goals and encouraged to practice setting and achieving at least one such goal.
  • SMART, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.