Table 1

Baseline characteristics of young people (N = 40 290) aged 8–26 years with mental health primary diagnosis from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2018 in NSW public hospital EDs

Sociodemographic characteristics
SexSex of the patient based on the person’s own self-report
 Not stated0.03
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderWhether the person is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, based on the person’s own self-report
 Not stated1.67
Age at first presentation (years)The age of the patient in years
Rurality or remotenessThe patient’s usual place of residence location according to the Australian Standard Geographical Classification System
 Major cities65.30
 Inner regional24.12
 Outer regional or remote or very remote6.29
 Not stated4.30
Socio-economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) quartileAn index developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics ranking areas according to relative socioeconomic advantage where higher scores denote better advantage
 Most disadvantage: First (816–940)24.93
 Second (942–971)23.92
 Third (972–1038)23.41
 Least disadvantage: Fourth (1039–1155)23.45
Characteristics of the initial ED presentation
ED primary diagnosisThe condition established after assessment to be responsible for the person presenting to the ED; if the person is admitted as an inpatient, it is the equivalent of the admission diagnosis. These are classified using the ICD-10 subcodes.
 General mental health problem22.03
Level of clinical facilityClinical level according to NSW health designation reflecting increasing capacity and capability to provide specialist emergency care with higher numbers providing care for higher-risk patients and more complex clinical care
 1 or 23.72
 3 or 436.14
 5 or 658.34
Triage categoryPatient classification according to the urgency of their needs for medical and nursing care; based on the Australasian Triage Scale with category 1 indicating immediately life-threatening, category 2 indicating potentially life-threatening, category 3 indicating urgent, category 4 indicating semiurgent and category 5 indicating non-urgent presentations.
 1 or 214.31
 4 or 533.86
Mode of arrivalMode of transport by which the patient arrives
 Arrived on own57.41
Source of referralSource from which the patient was referred to the ED service
Admitted to hospitalThe separation status of the patient from ED where he/she is admitted to a ward/inpatient, a critical care ward or an operating suite
Left at own riskThe separation status of the patient from ED where he/she left prior to treatment completion or did not wait until order for transfer to other facilities, whether admitted as inpatient or not
Completed treatmentThe separation status of the patient from ED where he/she has completed treatment in the same facility
Transferred to another hospitalThe separation status of the patient from ED where he/she is transferred to another hospital or other clinical service location, whether the patient has started treatment in the facility or not
Arrival time of dayTime at which the patient presents for the service
Departure day of weekFor an admitted patient, this refers to the day of week the patient is either (1) transferred to a ward or other unit or (2) leaves the ED for transfer to another unit; for a non-admitted patient, this refers to the day of week at which the assessment and initial treatment are completed and/or he/she physically leaves the department.
First episode length of stay (min)Duration of a patient’s stay in the ED computed as the time difference between actual departure time/date and arrival time/date
 <180 (3 hours)41.18
 180–480 (3–8 hours)43.91
 460+ (8+ hours)14.89