Table 1

Summary of assessments*

Participant assessment (including who is involved)Timeline (months postrandomisation)
Eligibility and consent
Consent (P, C, R)X
Eligibility (assessed by clinician, R)X
Background and demographics
General demographics (P, C, R)X
Cancer demographics (R-case notes)x
Comorbidities (R-case notes)X
Follow-up data (collected from case notes)
Survival status (R)Ongoing and at the overall end of the trial
Related unexpected serious adverse events (R)Ongoing
NAT-C Intervention (R)One month post participant registration
Usual care data (R)XXXX
Prequestionnaire (phone call at 1, 3, 6 months)
Performance status (AKPS)xxxx
COVID statusxxxx
Participant Questionnaire Booklet
(Self-completion with researcher support if needed)
Unmet needs (SCNS-SF34)xxxx
Symptoms (ESAS-r)xxxx
Mood and Quality of Life (EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL)xxxx
EuroQol-5 Dimension L (EQ-5D-5L)xxxx
Healthcare Resource Use (including usual care data and referrals)xxxx
Carer Questionnaire Booklet
(Self-Completion with researcher support if needed)
Carer Experience Scalexxxx
Carer well-being and burden (ZBI-12)xxxx
  • *P, participant; C, carer-giver; R, researcher.

  • AKPS, Australian-modified Karnofsky Performance Status; EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life-C15-Palliative; EQ-5D-L, EuroQol-5 Dimension L ; ICECAP-SCM, ICEpop CAPability Supportive Care Measure; NAT-C, Needs Assessment Tool-Cancer; SCNS-SF34, Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34; ZBI-12, Zarit Burden Interview-12.