Table 3

Family history and lifestyle habits of participants

AuthorFamily historySmokingDrinkingPhysical activity
Blood glucose tests only
Sabir44Total 38 (9.7%)
Male 38 (18.1%)
Female 0 (0%)
Total 1 (0.3%)
Male 1 (0.5%)
Female 0 (0%)
Valkengoed46Type 2 diabetes mellitus
74.8% (75g OGTT group)
68.4% (HbA1c group)
Zafar48Diabetes Parental history 161 (39.9%)
Siblings history 88 (21.8%)
Smokers 54 (13.4%)Exercise 105 (26.0%)
Plasma lipid tests only
Deng57Current smoking 476 (33.6%)Current drinking 557 (39.4%)>2/week /at least 30 mins 806 (57.0%)
Programmes offering both diabetes and lipid tests
Ali27Dyslipidaemia 27.9%Smokers 37.1%
Andersson28Smoking 19%
Belfki54Cardiovascular disease 119 (2.6%)Never 3246 (71.4%)
Smoker 1301 (28.6%)
Cuong56Non/ex–smoker (69.3%)
Current smoker (30.7%)
Falguera58Diabetes 180 (30.9%)Current smoker 148 (25.4%)394 (67.6%)
Hare291417 (21.2%)None 3217 (49.7%)
Moderate 2728 (42.1%)
Excessive 531 (8.2%)
Sedentary 694 (10.6%)
Insufficient (<150 min/week) 1883 (28.8%)
Sufficient (>=150 min/week) 3951 (60.5%)
Hidalgo30Sedentary Yes 69 (33.8%) No 135 (66.2%)
Sinnott45Diabetes 9301 (31.9%)Ever smoked 11 648 (40.0%)23 245 (79.8%)>=5 days/week 10 343 (35.5%)
Wang47Diabetes 884 (9.4%)Current smoking 1926 (21.2%)958 (10.5%)>=600 MET–min/week 6670 (71.2%)
Zhou52Diabetes 847 (10.71%)1746 (22.1%)1079 (13.64%)
  • HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance tests.