Table 3

Multivariate logistic regression with surgical margins status (2011–2014, n=31 593) and 90 days re-excision (2009–2014, n=77 965) as dependent variables

Surgical margins
(0=margins free, 1=focally positive)
90 days re-excision rate
(0=no re-excision, 1=re-excision)
OR95% CIOR95% CI
Annual hospital volume (rolling three-year average)
 <750.8150.607 to 1.0941.0600.818 to 1.374
 75–990.8740.740 to 1.0331.0260.870 to 1.211
 150–1990.8470.656 to 1.0940.8640.688 to 1.086
 200–2490.8690.674 to 1.1190.8570.708 to 1.038
 250 or more0.8470.626 to 1.1460.8070.601 to 1.083
Number of other hospitals in the proximity of hospital i in 30 km radius
 4 or more0.9450.806 to 1.1100.8750.755 to 1.013
Age at diagnosis (years)
 30–441.9430.923 to 4.0890.9270.545 to 1.579
 45–591.9200.886 to 4.1610.7640.453 to 1.286
 60–741.7680.804 to 3.8910.6050.361 to 1.013
 75+1.9070.868 to 4.1920.547*0.319 to 0.937
Socioeconomic status
 Middle0.9470.838 to 1.0690.9920.901 to 1.091
 High0.9890.858 to 1.1411.0810.965 to 1.211
Surgical procedure
 MastectomyN/A0.033**0.0236 to 0.0447
 Lobular2.941**2.637 to 3.2812.161**1.959 to 2.383
 Other1.405**1.248 to 1.5821.579**1.452 to 1.717
TNM stage
 22.216**2.019 to 2.4331.552**1.441 to 1.672
 35.016**4.245 to 5.9272.837**2.454 to 3.279
Tumour grade
 II1.173**1.061 to 1.2971.318**1.205 to 1.442
 III or undifferentiated0.9280.838 to 1.0271.159*1.030 to 1.303
 Unknown1.1080.923 to 1.3311.361**1.128 to 1.642
Hospital type
 Tertiary/University1.1310.919 to 1.3921.1630.985 to 1.374
  • Also corrected for year of surgery.

  • Adjusted explained variance: surgical margins: 6%, 90 days re-excision: 14%.

  • Surgical margins were only calculated for patients who underwent a lumpectomy. Therefore, the variable ‘surgical procedure’ has been excluded from this analysis.

  • *P<0.05, **p<0.01.

  • TNM, tumour, node, metastases.