Table 1

Total number of visits and mean number of daily visits by hospital, temporal and meteorological factors, and patient characteristics between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2019 in five emergency departments of the city of Milan, Italy

n (%)*Mean (min–max)†Cumulative precipitation (mm)n (%)‡Mean (min–max)§
A421 741 (19)192 (107–301)≤0.61 678 953 (75.5)1018 (563–1295)
B457 021 (20.6)209 (65–302)0.7+544 526 (24.5)1005 (627–1392)
C272 308 (12.2)124 (61–197)NO2 (μg/m3)
D530 519 (23.9)242 (125–337)≤32564 957 (25.4)974 (563–1295)
E541 890 (24.4)247 (133–346)33–44570 284 (25.6)1022 (723–1292)
Total2 223 4791015 (563–1392)45–57536 484 (24.1)1032 (698–1392)
Gender58+551 754 (24.8)1035 (693–1272)
F1 113 405 (50.6)508 (277–782)PM10 (μg/m3)
M1 087 903 (49.4)497 (277–661)≤20571 339 (25.7)990 (563–1261)
Age21–29575 530 (25.9)1017 (688–1295)
≤14360 600 (16.4)165 (55–443)30–44544 147 (24.5)1023 (710–1392)
15–651 307 139 (59.4)597 (317–860)45+532 463 (23.9)1032 (693–1272)
66+533 569 (24.2)244 (141–385)ILI (number of weekly new cases per 1000 inhabitants)
N (%)‡Mean (min–max)§
Temperature (°C)≤1.21 310 096 (58.9)1001 (563–1295)
≤9.2564 744 (25.4)1021 (693–1392)1.3–2.5303 072 (13.6)1031 (799–1256)
9.3–15.6563 764 (25.4)1033 (813–1261)2.6–5.6303 102 (13.6)1031 (698–1261)
15.7–22.3563 757 (25.4)1025 (656–1295)5.7+307 209 (13.8)1045 (693–1392)
22.4+531 214 (23.9)980 (563–1292)Day before/after festivity
Relative humidity (%)No2 096 838 (94.3)1012 (563–1392)
≤50560 870 (25.2)1018 (563–1295)Yes126 641 (5.7)1055 (688–1295)
51–62552 865 (24.9)1009 (637–1292)Festivity
63–76554 041 (24.9)1017 (627–1392)No2 144 726 (96.5)1018 (677–1392)
77+555 703 (25)1016 (786–1278)Yes78 753 (3.5)938 (563–1253)
  • *Total number of visits by hospital, gender and age. The percentages of the number of visits out of the total (2 223 479 total number of visits; 2 201 308 with information on age and gender) are in parentheses.

  • †Mean, minimum and maximum number of daily visits by hospital, gender and age.

  • ‡Total number of visits by temporal and meteorological factors (ie, total number of visits in days with a particular value of temperature, humidity, etc). The percentages of the number of visits of the total (2 223 479 total number of visits) are in parentheses.

  • §Mean, minimum and maximum number of daily visits by temporal and meteorological factors (ie, mean number of daily visits in the days with a particular value of temperature, humidity, etc).

  • F, female; ILI, influenza-like illness; M, male; NO2, nitrogen dioxide; PM10, particulate matter with a diameter of ≤10 µm.