Table 4

Associations (multivariable analysis) between the cognitive function score assessed in the Mini-Mental test and other parameters

Standardised regression coefficientNon-standardised regression coefficient B95% CI of BP valueVariation inflation factor
Age (years)−0.11−0.25−0.39 to –0.110.0011.13
Region of habitation (rural/urban) (reference: rural region)0.101.420.47 to 2.370.0031.28
Level of education (0–5)0.240.710.51 to 0.90<0.0011.25
Depression score−0.38−0.22−0.26 to –0.19<0.0011.05
Best-corrected visual acuity (logMAR)−0.15−1.55−2.22 to –0.88<0.0011.17
Hearing loss score−0.07−0.03−0.05 to –0.0020.031.10
  • logMAR, logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution.