Table 3

Multiple logistic regression output for the factors associated with external hernia among adult patients visiting surgical OPD at the UOGCH, Ethiopia, 2020 (n=403)

VariableExternal herniaCrude OR
(95% CI)
Adjusted OR
(95% CI)
P value
 46–84291073.74 (1.99 to 7.04)2.47 (1.06 to 5.78)0.036
 Rural311522.6 (1.37 to 4.92)0.73 (0.30 to1.85)0.55
Educational status
 No formal education381724.63 (1.60 to 13.4)2.90 (0.89 to 9.4)0.07
 Primary and
 Secondary education
51001.05 (0.27 to 4.03)1.64 (0.37 to 7.08)0.50
 College or above48411
Staining during urination
 Yes16483.31 (1.68 to 6.50)0.83 (0.33 to 2.25)0.712
 Yes26705.05 (2.68 to 9.51)3.67 (1.68 to 8.11)0.001
Prolonged cough
 Yes17257.50 (3.64 to 15.4)5.18 (2.17 to12.3)<0.001
Lifting heavy objects
 Yes29558.81 (4.58 to 16.9)7.39 (3.36 to 16.2)<0.001
 14–17.97511.15 (0.48 to 2.7)1.35 (0.4 to 3.8)0.56
 25–34.97272.1 (0.82 to 0.17)3.01 (0.95 to 9.54)0.06
  • BMI, body mass index; OPD, outpatient department; UOGCSH, University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialised Hospital.