Table 1

Schedules of study procedures

ProcedureVisit 1Visit 2Visit 3Visit 4Visit 5Visit 6
Time window, daysDay −14 to −1Day 1Day 30±7Day 90±14Day 180±14Day 270±30
Informed consent formX*
Inclusion/exclusion criteria assessmentХ
Medical historyXՆ
Prior/concomitant medication reviewXՆXXXX
Pregnancy testXX
Demographic data (age, race)Х
Height, weight, BMI calculation‡X
Collection of baseline characteristics (including social information)X
Date/time of TBI and injury characteristics including worst recorded GCS scoreХ
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ)X
CNS-Vital Signs (cognitive assessment)ХХХХХ
Quality of life assessment (QOLIBRI)XXXXX
Mood assessment (HADS)XXXXX
Postconcussion symptoms (RPQ)XXXXX
Physical examinationХХXXXX
12-Lead ECGXX
Vital signsXXXXXX
Clinical laboratory tests (Haematology, blood chemistry, urine)XX
Compliance assessmentXXXX
Adverse event monitoringXXXXX
Investigational product supplyXXX
Study drug administrationDay 1–Day 180±14 days
  • *Informed consent form must be obtained prior to performing any study-related procedures.

  • †Not necessary if complete information was obtained on screening.

  • ‡Body weight and height will be obtained without outerwear and shoes; BMI=weight (kg)/height (m2).

  • §Subjects will be randomised just prior to dosing. Further drug intake will be done according to the randomisation scheme.

  • BMI, body mass index; GCS, Glasgow Coma Score; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; RPQ, Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire; TBI, traumatic brain injury.