Table 3

Subgroup analysis after propensity score-matched analysis

VariableCumulative incidence of cancer-specific deathP1 valueP2 value
3 years5 years7 yearsCancer-specific deathOther reasons
AJCC clinical stage
 Grade I0.9010.105
 Grade II0.364NA
 Grade III0.6280.442
 Grade IV0.9270.450
  • P1 value and P2 value represent the P values for comparisons of cancer-specific death and death from other causes with cumulative incidence function (CIF) method, respectively. Bold P values indicate that the corresponding item has statistical significance.

  • AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer; ECC, extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; ICC, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; NA, not available.