Table 2

Characteristics of the study population according to the social distancing intervention among patients visiting level I and level II EDs

TotalBefore distancingAfter distancingP value
Incidence rateN (%)Incidence rateN (%)Incidence rateN (%)
Total, level I and II EDs6.83638 3327.90368 9495.77269 383
Age, year<0.01
 0~1910.25172 942 (27.1)12.84108 252 (29.3)7.6764 690 (24.0)
 20~396.19156 645 (24.5)6.9587 872 (23.8)5.4468 773 (25.5)
 40~595.48168 144 (26.3)6.2195 243 (25.8)4.7572 901 (27.1)
 60~796.26108 882 (17.1)6.9360 232 (16.3)5.6048 650 (18.1)
 80~1209.8531 719 (5.0)10.7817 350 (4.7)8.9214 369 (5.3)
 Male8.01373 115 (58.5)9.27215 929 (58.5)6.74157 186 (58.4)
 Female5.66265 217 (41.5)6.54153 020 (41.5)4.79112 197 (41.6)
Intentional injury0.3835 956 (5.7)0.4219 815 (5.4)0.3516 141 (6.1)<0.01
Mechanism of injury<0.01
 Road traffic injury1.19111 295 (17.4)1.3964 998 (17.6)0.9946 297 (17.2)
 Fall0.5450 242 (7.9)0.6128 349 (7.7)0.4721 893 (8.1)
 Slip down1.39129 928 (20.4)1.5974 177 (20.1)1.1955 751 (20.7)
 Blunt1.35125 925 (19.7)1.6275 863 (20.6)1.0750 062 (18.6)
 Penetrating0.9689 762 (14.1)1.0448 711 (13.2)0.8841 051 (15.2)
 Others1.40131 180 (20.6)1.6576 851 (20.8)1.1654 329 (20.2)
EMS use1.77164 963 (25.9)1.9591 331 (24.8)1.5873 632 (27.3)<0.01
Initial triage, severe0.2220 863 (3.4)0.2411 160 (3.2)0.219703 (3.6)<0.01
ED disposition<0.01
 Discharge5.71533 324 (83.9)6.66310 962 (84.6)4.76222 362 (82.9)
 Ward admission0.8276 879 (12.1)0.9142 325 (11.5)0.7434 554 (12.9)
 Intensive care units0.1614 648 (2.3)0.177767 (2.1)0.156881 (2.6)
 Transfer out0.109709 (1.5)0.125799 (1.6)0.083910 (1.5)
 Death0.011222 (0.2)0.01622 (0.2)0.01600 (0.2)
Clinical outcomes
 Clinically severe injury0.3128 717 (29.3)0.3315 318 (29.0)0.2913 399 (29.6)0.03
 In-hospital mortality0.033026 (3.3)0.031609 (3.2)0.031417 (3.4)0.08
  • Incidence rate per 100 000 person-days was calculated using the 2019 mid-year population of Census data.

  • ED, emergency department; EMS, emergency medical services.