Table 4

Characteristics of DPFs with overall low RoB

AuthorYearRoBPopulationStudy designTimingIndexOutcomes
Palsdottir242019Diag. PROBASTLocalised PCaObservational studyPre treatmentS3M-MRI (Stockholm3 +PI RADS)csPCa diagnosis
Guinney222017Prog. PROBASTmCRPCRCTPost treatmentePCR modelOS
Joniau232017Prog. PROBASTLocally advanced PCaObservational studyPost-treatmentGleason score +PSAAdverse pathological features at RP; LNI
Hagiwara202017QUADASLocalised PCaObservational studyPre-treatmentWFA-reactive glycan-carrying PSA-GiPCa diagnosis, PSA-free survival
Kelly212015QUADASLocalised PCaObservational studyPre-treatmentmiR-141, –145, −155, let7aPCa diagnosis
Aguilera252015QUIPSHigh risk PCaObservational studyPre and post treatmentAge, rectal examination, PSA, biopsy Gleason score, uni/bilateral tumour, affected cylinder percentage) and postoperativeBCR
Alvim272019QUIPSMetastatic PCaObservational studyPost-treatmentPSA response (PSA reduction ≥50%)OS, PFS
Bramhecha262019QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost-treatmentPTEN deletionBCR
Bruce282016QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost-treatmentAZGP1 expressionBR-free survival, CR-free survival, PC-specific death
Francini292018QUIPSmHSPCObservational studyPost-treatmentVolumeOS, time to CRPC
Hamada302016QUIPSHigh risk PCaObservational studyPost-treatmentPSA, PSA density (PSAD), PSAD of the transition zone, percentage of positive cores (PPC), prostate volume, TZ volume, Gleason score, PPC from the dominant sideBCR
Hashimoto312020QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost-treatmentMicro-lymphatic invasion, GleasonBCR
Hung572017QUIPSmCRPCObservational studyPost-treatmentNeurovascular bundle preservation, blood loss, pT stage, pN stage, pGS, PNI, angiolymphatic invasion, tumour amount in specimen, ECE, PSM, SVI, Bladder neck invasion, Foley duration, post-op undetectable PSABCR
Kato322018QUIPSHigh risk PCaObservational studyPost-treatmentLC/IDCPFS, CSS
Kluth332014QUIPSLocalised PCa Observational studyPost-treatmentNo of lymph nodesBCR
mCRPCRCTPost treatmentBone resorption and formationOS
Lee352016QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost treatmentPositive surgical margin status and bilateral seminal vesicle invasionBCR
Lévesque362019QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost treatmentUGT2B17 expressionBCR
Lin372017QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost treatmentAberrant Promoter Methylation of Protocadherin8 (PCDH8)BCR-free survival
Löffeler382015QUIPSmCRPCObservational studyAnytimePSA doubling time, PSA nadir during ADT, haemoglobin and alkaline phosphatase levels at CRPCOS
Narang392017QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyAnytimePSA: End-of-radiation PSABCR-free survival, MFS, CSS, OS
Ozden402017QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost treatmentAgeRRP specimen, BCR, and BCR-free survival rates
Pei412016QUIPSCRPCObservational studyPre and during treatmentNeutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratioOS, PFS
Qu422016QUIPSmPCa and CRPCObservational studyPre treatmentAR-V7Time to CRPC / CRPC: CSS
Qu432017QUIPSPCaObservational studyPre and during treatmentAR-V7OS
Rüenauver442014QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost treatmentYWHAZOS
Shimodaira452020QUIPSMetastatic PCaObservational studyPost treatmentValue of platelet countsDisease specific survival
Strand462015QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost treatment5-hydroxymethylcytosine scoreBCR
Takagi472017QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyPost treatmentAge, T stage, % of pos cores, Gleason score, PSA, Total ADTBCR-free survival
Wang482016QUIPSPCaObservational studyPost treatmentPlatelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR)PLR with PFS, CSS and OS n/a
Zacho492017QUIPSLocalised PCaObservational studyAnytimeBone scan indexTime to CRPC
Berg502014QUIPS validatedUnder Active SurveillanceObservational studyERG immunohisto-chemical stainingOverall AS progression, histopathologic progression
  • ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; AS, Active Surveillance; BCR, biochemical recurrence; CSS, cancer-specific survival; DFPs, diagnostic and prognostic factors; mCRPC, metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer; n/a, not available; OS, overall survival; PCa, prostate cancer; PFS, progression-free survival; PI-RADS, Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System; PROBAST, Prediction model Risk Of Bias Assessment Tool; PSA, Prostate Specific Antigen; PTEN, Phosphatase and tensin homolog; QUADAS, Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies; QUIPS, Quality in Prognostic Studies; RCT, Randomised control trial; RoB, risk of bias; WFA, Wisteria floribunda agglutinin.