Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of parents who opted out and who consented and were screened for eligibility

CharacteristicOpted out (n=105)*Consented and screened for eligibility (n=56)t value, χ2 valueP value
Age, mean (SD, range)44.8 (7.6, 29–68)43.5 (7.2, 32–62)−0.9880.325
Missing (n, %)19 (18.1)0 (0)
Gender (n, %)
Female54 (51.4)33 (58.9)0.0010.978
Male38 (36.2)23 (41.1)
Missing13 (12.4)0 (0)
Relationship status (n, %)
Partner86 (81.9)47 (83.9)1.9960.158
Single8 (7.6)9 (16.1)
Missing11 (10.5)0 (0)
If partner, cohabiting
Yes78 (90.7)46 (97.9)1.0350.309
No5 (5.8)1 (2.1)
Missing3 (3.5)0 (0)
Level of education (n, %)†
Lower secondary6 (5.7)1 (1.8)6.0850.298
Upper secondary30 (28.6)11 (19.6)
Post-secondary non-tertiary5 (4.8)3 (5.4)
Tertiary education50 (47.6)40 (71.4)
PhD2 (1.9)1 (1.8)
Not possible to categorise1 (1.0)0 (0)
Missing11 (10.5)0 (0)
  • *One hundred and five parents who opted out provided some sociodemographic data. Sociodemographic characteristics were collected from parents who opted out by paper via the post (n=80) or Portal (n=24). One parent opted out via email and voluntarily provided some sociodemographic data.

  • †Level of education was self-reported as a free-text response, with responses categorised by the research team.