Table 2

Search strategy (MEDLINE via Ovid)

Search numberDescription
1exp analgesics, opioid/ or exp opioid-related disorders/ or (narcotic* or opiate* or opioid* or acetylmethadol or alfentanil or anileridine or Belladonna or Benzomorphan* or bezitramide or buprenorphine or butorphanol or Codeine or Dextromethorphan or Dextromoramide or Dextropropoxyphene or dezocine or Diamorphine or dihydrocodeine or Diphenylpropylamine or Ethylmorphine or Fentanyl* or Heroin or Hydrocodon* or Hydromorphon* or ketobemidone or levacetylmethadol or Meperidine or Meptazinol or methadone or Morphan* or Morphine* or nalbuphine or nicomorphine or normethadone or Opium or Oripavine or Oxycodone or Oxymorphone or Papaveretum or Pentazocine or pethidin* or Phenazocine or Phenoperidine or phentanyl or Phenylpiperidine or Piritramide or remifentanil or Sufentanil or sulfentanil or sulfentanyl or tapentadol or Tilidine or Tramadol*).mp. or (analgesic*).ti.
2practice patterns, physicians’/ or exp prescriptions/ or exp prescription drug monitoring programs/ or (doctor* or physician* or surgeon* or dispens* or prescribe* or prescribing or deprescrib* or overprescri* or prescription* or script? or stewardship* or refill* or taper*).mp.
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4systematic review/ or meta analysis/ or “systematic review as topic”/ or exp “meta-analysis as topic”/ or technology assessment, biomedical/
5(meta analy* or metaanaly* or technology assessment* or hta or htas or ((evidence or mixed method* or rapid or systematic) adj3 (overview or review or metareview or metasynthesis))).ti. or (cochrane database of systematic reviews or technology assessment*).jw.
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