Table 2

Summary of scales, coefficients of reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) by life stage and exposure status, and included items

Inequitable gender attitudes scaleVYAOANM/NPAdult
Sample size by exposure status (unexposed; exposed)U: 149; E: 301U: 513; E: 594U: 220; E: 287U: 177; E: 244
Alpha coefficientsU: 0.65; E: 0.61U: 0.66; E: 0.64U: 0.64; E: 0.63
  1.  Giving a bath and feeding kids are the mother’s responsibility

  2.  A woman’s role is taking care of her home and family

  3.  A man should have the final word about decisions in the home

  4.  A woman should obey her husband in all things

  5.  Men are always ready to have sex

  6.  There are times when a woman deserves to be beaten

  7.  A woman should tolerate violence to keep her family together

  8.  If someone insults a man, he should defend his reputation with force if he has to

  9.  Girls who carry condoms are promiscuous

  10.  It is solely a woman’s responsibility to avoid getting pregnant

  11.  Men should be offended (outraged) if their wives ask them to use a condom

Inequitable household roles sharing scaleVYAOANM/NPAdult
Alpha coefficientsU: 0.59; 0.61U: 0.75; E: 0.70U: 0.74; E: 0.66
  1.  A woman’s role is taking care of her home and family

  2.  A man should have the final word about decisions in the home

  3.  Giving a bath and feeding kids are the mother’s responsibility

  4.  It disgusts me when I see a man acting like a woman (not asked of adults)

  5.  A woman should obey her husband in all things

  6.  It is more important for boys to get an education than girls (not asked of older adolescents)

  7.  If there is a limited money to pay for school fees, it should be spent on sons first (not asked of older adolescents)

  8.  Boys should have more free time than girls (not asked of older adolescents)

Inequitable attitudes towards GBV scaleVYAOANM/NPAdult
Alpha coefficientsU: 0.62; E: 0.60U: 0.62; E: 0.54U: 0.60; E: 0.59
  1.  If someone insults a man, he should defend his reputation with force if he has to

  2.  There are times when a woman deserves to be beaten

  3.  A woman should tolerate violence to keep her family together

  4.  A man using violence against his wife is a private matter that shouldn’t be discussed outside the couple

  5.  Physically beating your children is a good way to make them behave

  6.  I believe it is important to use non-violent ways of disciplining youth, instead of physical violence

Inequitable attitudes about SRH scaleVYAOANM/NPAdult
Alpha coefficientsU: 0.71; E: 0.67U: 0.69; E: 0.62
  1.  Men should be offended (outraged) if their wives ask them to use a condom

  2.  Men are always ready to have sex

  3.  Girls who carry condoms are promiscuous

  4.  Only when a woman gives birth to a child is she a real woman

  5.  Only when a man has a child will he be a respected member of his clan

  6.  An ideal married couple will produce a child in the first year of marriage

  7.  A man and a woman should decide together what type of contraceptives to use

  • GBV, gender-based violence; NM/NP, newly married/newly parenting adolescent; OA, older adolescent; SRH, sexual and reproductive health; VYA, very young adolescent.