Table 3

Feedback and changes pilot phases I and II: training

Feedback (pilot phase I and II)—training and facilitator feedbackChanges implemented
Facilitators agreed it is useful to go through the manual step by step, to gain familiarity with each component and navigate through the different stages. They preferred this rather than going through generic topics.We incorporated this information into the training and prior to a group being delivered, if needed the study team helped to arrange meetings between the facilitators.
Facilitators felt it would be useful for all material to be emailed prior to the training to allow time for familiarisation with the manual.Throughout the I-WOTCH study all course materials were sent to facilitators prior to training.
Facilitators suggested that during the training it would be useful to actually practice some of the sessions.Where possible during the training days we incorporated case studies and role play, as well as experiential learning of mindfulness and using the tapering app to calculate opioid reduction doses.
Facilitators suggested that it would be useful if the course slides were numbered in correspondence to the sections in the manual.All course slides were numbered and added to the manual for reference.
Facilitators also suggested that it would be useful to include the rationale for each topic into the manual, as it helped with their understanding of each topic and with their explanation to participants.The rationale for each topic was included in the manual.
  • I-WOTCH, Improving the Wellbeing of people with Opioid Treated CHronic pain.