Table 1

Patient demographics and clinical characteristics

Total cohortFemaleMaleP value
No of patients, n (%)93063680 (39.54)5626 (60.46)<0.001
Age, continuous, mean±SD49.21±14.5650.02±14.5148.67±14.61<0.001
Geographic region,5 n (%)0.001
Northeast2349 (25.24)882 (23.97)1467 (26.08)
North central1891 (20.32)738 (20.05)1153 (20.49)
South3826 (41.11)1593 (43.29)2233 (39.69)
West1224 (13.15)456 (12.39)768 (13.65)
Unknown16 (0.17)11 (0.3)5 (0.09)
Health plan type, n (%)<0.001
Comprehensive292 (3.21)136 (3.7)156 (2.77)
Exclusive provider organisation48 (0.53)13 (0.35)35 (0.62)
Health maintenance organisation1003 (11.04)396 (10.76)607 (10.79)
Point of service plan817 (8.99)317 (8.61)500 (8.89)
Preferred provider organisation5184 (57.04)2106 (57.23)3078 (54.71)
Point of service plan with capitation93 (1.02)37 (1.01)56 (1.00)
Consumer driven health plan878 (9.66)317 (8.61)561 (9.97)
High deductible health plan774 (8.52)255 (6.93)519 (9.23)
Missing217 (2.39)
Diagnostic tests, n (%)
12-lead ECG2817 (30.27)1132 (30.76)1685 (29.95)0.405
Holter597 (6.42)237 (6.44)360 (6.40)0.937
Cardiac stress test727 (7.81)251 (6.82)476 (8.46)0.004
Coronary angiography84 (0.90)34 (0.92)50 (0.89)0.861
Any myocardial imaging
Echocardiogram1938 (20.83)806 (21.9)1132 (20.12)0.039
CT48 (0.52)17 (0.46)31 (0.55)0.558
MRI334 (3.59)125 (3.40)209 (3.71)0.420
Nuclear or positron emission tomography214 (2.30)83 (2.26)131 (2.33)0.818
Any HCM genetic test158 (1.70)65 (1.77)93 (1.65)0.679
Comorbidities of Interest, n (%)
Ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation680 (7.31)223 (6.06)457 (8.12)0.001
Coronary artery disease968 (10.40)337 (9.16)631 (11.22)0.002
Diabetes1337 (14.37)575 (15.63)762 (13.54)0.005
Dyslipidaemia1943 (20.88)687 (18.67)1256 (22.32)<0.001
Hypertension3979 (42.76)1632 (44.35)2347 (41.72)0.012
Stroke144 (1.55)69 (1.88)75 (1.33)0.038
Concomitant medication, n (%)
ACEi1057 (11.36)364 (9.89)693 (12.32)0.001
ARB806 (8.66)331 (9.00)475 (8.44)0.355
Antiarrhythmics668 (7.18)241 (6.55)427 (7.59)0.058
Anticoagulants756 (8.12)254 (6.9)502 (8.92)0.001
Beta blockers4114 (44.21)1571 (42.69)2543 (45.20)0.017
Calcium channel blockers1736 (18.65)699 (18.99)1037 (18.43)0.496
Surgical procedures, n (%)
Coronary revascularisation
Coronary artery bypass graft3 (0.03)1 (0.03)2 (0.04)0.826
Percutaneous coronary intervention6 (0.06)2 (0.05)4 (0.07)0.756
Valve surgery
Mitral valve surgery1 (0.01)0 (0.00)1 (0.02)0.419
Implantable pacemaker43 (0.46)19 (0.52)24 (0.43)0.533
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator206 (2.21)62 (1.69)144 (2.56)0.005
  • ACEi, ACE inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.