Table 1

Demographic, household and pregnancy characteristics of women enrolled in ZamCAT

Intended to deliver at health facility and didIntended to deliver at home and didIntended to deliver at health facility but delivered at homeIntended to deliver at home but delivered at a health facility
Characteristicsn=22 651n=1515n=11 016n=755
Maternal age (years), n (%)
 <205919 (26.1)185 (12.2)2115 (19.2)215 (28.5)
 20–3514 473 (63.9)1114 (73.5)7626 (69.2)442 (58.5)
 >352259 (10.0)216 (14.3)1275 (11.6)98 (13.0)
Tribe, n (%)
 Tonga19 295 (85.2)1431 (94.5)10 257 (93.1)670 (88.7)
 Ila142 (0.6)7 (0.5)53 (0.5)4 (0.5)
 Lozi1175 (5.2)20 (1.3)238 (2.2)28 (3.7)
 Nyanja687 (3.0)18 (1.2)147 (1.3)13 (1.7)
 Bemba568 (2.5)23 (1.5)135 (1.2)24 (3.2)
 Other781 (3.4)15 (1.0)183 (1.7)12 (1.6)
 Missing3 (0.08)1 (0.1)3 (0.03)4 (0.5)
Women’s education level, n (%)
 No education1681 (7.4)265 (17.5)1442 (13.1)95 (12.6)
 Some primary education10 779 (47.6)1001 (66.1)6487 (58.9)366 (48.5)
 Some secondary education9884 (43.6)246 (16.2)3067 (27.8)290 (38.4)
 Higher than secondary education288 (1.3)2 (0.13)14 (0.1)0 (0.0)
 Unknown or missing19 (0.1)1 (0.1)6 (0.06)4 (0.5)
Maternal literacy, n (%)
 Illiterate4875 (21.5)611 (40.3)3720 (33.8)226 (29.9)
 Can read a bit10 620 (46.9)716 (47.3)5212 (47.4)332 (44.0)
 Can read very well7078 (31.2)177 (11.7)2022 (18.4)191 (25.3)
 No response or missing78 (0.3)11 (0.7)62 (0.6)6 (0.8)
Wealth index, n (%)
 1—lowest5214 (23.0)541 (35.7)3154 (28.6)246 (32.6)
 25407 (23.9)421 (27.8)2910 (26.4)175 (23.2)
 35490 (24.2)361 (23.8)2807 (25.5)181 (24.0)
 4—highest6540 (28.9)192 (12.7)2145 (19.5)151 (20.0)
Marital status, n (%)
 Single4173 (18.4)82 (5.4)1243 (11.3)132 (17.5)
 Married or cohabitating18 267 (80.7)1405 (92.7)9644 (87.6)600 (79.5)
 Separated, divorced or widowed204 (0.9)26 (1.7)128 (1.2)19 (2.5)
 Missing7 (0.03)2 (0.1)1 (0.01)4 (0.5)
Median household size (IQR)6 (4–8)6 (4–8)6 (4–8)6 (4–8)
Time walking from home to health facility
 <1 hour9276 (41.0%)293 (19.3%)2301 (20.9%)253 (33.5%)
 1–<2 hours7823 (34.5%)526 (34.7%)4202 (38.1%)278 (36.8%)
 2–<3 hours3981 (17.6%)449 (29.6%)3054 (27.7%)140 (18.5%)
 3–<4 hours1047 (4.6%)167 (11.0%)1017 (9.2%)58 (7.7%)
 4–<5 hours250 (1.1%)43 (2.8%)248 (2.3%)12 (1.6%)
 5 hours or more120 (0.5%)12 (0.8%)129 (1.2%)8 (1.1%)
 Unknown81 (0.4%)17 (1.1%)42 (0.4%)2 (0.3%)
 Missing74 (0.3%)8 (0.5%)23 (0.2%)4 (0.5%)
Pregnancy characteristics
Parity, mean (SD)2.7 (2.3)2.4 (2.3)2.3 (2.3)2.5 (2.3)
 Primiparous, n (%)4230 (18.7)231 (15.3)2188 (19.9)119 (15.8)
 Multiparous, n (%)11 939 (52.7)1131 (74.7)7086 (64.3)401 (53.1)
 Missing, n (%)6482 (28.6)153 (10.1)1742 (15.8)235 (31.1)
Gravida, mean (SD)3.8 (2.4)3.5 (2.3)3.4 (2.3)3.5 (2.3)
 Primigravida, n (%)6327 (27.9)148 (9.8)1702 (15.5)225 (29.8)
 Multigravida, n (%)16 294 (71.4)1362 (89.9)9298 (84.4)525 (69.5)
 Missing, n (%)30 (0.1)5 (0.3)16 (0.2)5 (0.7)
Gestational age at enrolment, mean (SD)27.9 (6.8)28.0 (7.0)28.1 (7.1)28.1 (7.0)
Time between water breaking and delivery, n (%)
 Less than 24 hours20 259 (91.7)1344 (88.7)10 123 (91.9)418 (55.4)
 24–48 hours781 (3.5)25 (1.7)168 (1.5)35 (4.6)
 More than 48 hours120 (0.54)8 (0.53)26 (0.2)2 (0.3)
 Don’t know915 (4.1)120 (8.0)446 (4.1)32 (4.2)
 Missing576 (2.5)1 (1.2)253 (2.3)268 (35.5)
  • Those who responded to having ‘no plan’ or ‘other’ when asked about intended delivery location, and those who responded as ‘other’ when asked about actual delivery location were excluded from demographic analysis (n=1168).

  • ZamCAT, Zambia Chlorhexidine Application Trial.