Table 2

Prevalence of testing for COVID-19 across reported COVID-19-related symptoms and sociodemographic factors of respondents

VariablesTested for COVID-19χ2P value
COVID-19 symptoms among respondents and/or household member59.47<0.001
 85 years and above25.28
 British Columbia7.77
Ethnic groups4.220.238
 Mixed race28.41
 Other ethnic groups27.37
Minority group0.420.515
Highest level of education9.050.011
 High school or less12.39
 College/CEGEP or undergraduate university degree19.13
Total income in 20195.950.114
 Less than US$20 00021.85
 US$20 000 to less than US$50 00017.71
 US$50 000 to less than US$100 00016.25
 US$100 000 or more17.86
No of household members1.960.375
 4 or more19.23