Table 3

Outcome for all EMS-treated patients per 100 000 inhabitants

N=28 786
N=13 704
P value
Incidence of EMS treated patients67.252.8<0.001
Incidence of transport to hospital (%)*31.7 (47)19.5 (37)<0.001
Status on arrival to hospital
 Incidence of arrival with ROSC (%)24.3 (36)15.1 (29)<0.001
 Incidence of arrival with ongoing CPR (%)7.4 (11)4.1 (8)<0.001
Incidence of 24-hour survival (%)†15.5 (23)13.7 (24)<0.001
Incidence of survival (%)‡8.0 (12)7.8 (15)0.42
  • *Declared dead/transport to hospital—missing 265 (1%) in GRR and 104 (1%) in NorCAR.

  • †24-hour survival—missing 2273 (8%) in GRR and 195 (1%) in NorCAR.

  • ‡Survival—missing 1931 (7%) in GRR and 165 (1%) in NorCAR.

  • CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; EMS, emergency medical service; GRR, German Resuscitation Registry—areas with good data quality; NorCAR, Norwegian Cardiac Arrest Registry; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation.