Table 1

Integrated evaluation framework

Model componentsDefinitions
External environmentExternal motivatorsExternal factors that stimulate the organisation to focus on the QI project.
Project sponsorshipExternal entities contributing personnel, expertise, equipment, facilities or other resources for the project.
OrganisationQI leadershipSenior leadership commitment to champion and support QI project.
Senior leader project sponsor
Culture supportive of QIValues, beliefs and norms of an organisation that shape the behaviours of staff in pursuing QI.
Maturity of organisational QISophistication of the organisation’s QI programmes.
Staff engagementSteps taken by the organisation for continued staff engagement in QI.
QI support and capacityData infrastructureExtent to which a system exists to collect, manage and facilitate the use of data.
Effective use of technology.
Resource availabilitySupport for QI, including allocation of resources, finances and staff time.
Workforce focus on QIWorkforce development through training and engagement in QI.
QI team and microsystemTeam diversityDiversity of team members with respect to professional discipline, personality, motivation and perspective.
Physician involvementContribution of physicians to the QI team efforts.
Subject matter expertTeam member/members knowledgeable about measurement.
Prior QI experiencePrior experience with QI.
Team leadershipTeam leader’s ability to accomplish the goals of the improvement project by guiding the QI team.
Team normsTeam establishes strong norms of behaviour about QI goal achievement.
Team QI skill/capability for improvementTeam’s ability to use improvement methods to make changes.
Motivation to changeExtent to which team members have a desire and willingness to improve.
QI accountabilityClearly stated and communicated responsibility and accountability in the project.
Trigger (training event)Participation and reaction (Kirkpatrick level 1)Overall satisfaction with the programme, content, delivery, logistics, facilitators, etc.
Knowledge, skills and attitudes (Kirkpatrick level 2)Improvement in knowledge and skills reported by participants immediately after the intervention.
Outcomes/process and system changesBehaviour change (Kirkpatrick level 3)Confidence in measurement skills.
Maintaining and advancing the skills learnt.
Continued spread and involvement in QI.
Learning networksDevelopment of QI networks among postintervention.
QI capacity developmentAbility of participants to initiate and lead other projects.
Ability of participants to train/help other staff.
Change in organisational practice and/or patient outcomes (Kirkpatrick level 4)Sustainability in outcomes achieved.
Sustainability in practices.
Process changes as a result of the training event.
Dissemination/spreadSpread of knowledge and improved practices to non-intervention units.
Unintended consequencesNegative or positive unanticipated outcomes.
  • QI, quality improvement.