Table 2

Primary and secondary outcomes: CSCS outcomes, healthcare encounters for injuries/ingestions and out-patient non-attendance

OutcomeFNPUsual care (UC)Adjusted* parameter estimate (95% CI)P valueAbsolute risk difference (FNP-UC) (95% CI)
Child protection outcomesN=760N=746
Child in need (CIN) status at any time during the follow−up period
No599 (78.8%)584 (78.3%)Reference
Yes161 (21.2%)162 (21.7%)0.98† (0.74 to 1.31)0.902−0.5% (−0.5 to 0.4%)
Age at first CIN referral (days)
 Median (25–75th centile)1602.5 (1153.0 to 1978.75)1649.5 (1130.75 to 1980.25)0.98‡ (0.79 to 1.23)0.875
Unique no of CIN referrals per child§1 (1 to 2)1 (1 to 2)0.99¶¶ (0.82 to 1.19)0.890
CIN duration (days)210 (70.5 to 571.25)216 (72.75 to 503.25)1.20‡ (0.90 to 1.59)0.216
CIN categorisation (primary need) of first caseN=161N=162
Abuse or neglect92 (57.1%)102 (63.0%)Reference
Family dysfunction29 (18.0%)34 (21.0%)0.95¶ (0.54 to 1.69)0.868
Family in acute stress13 (8.1%)10 (6.2%)1.47¶ (0.61 to 3.54)0.389
Low income, absent parenting, socially unacceptable behaviour, not stated13 (8.1%)6 (3.7%)2.38§ (0.86 to 6.57)0.093
Child/parent disability7 (4.3%)5 (3.1%)1.47¶ (0.45 to 4.84)0.525
Cases other than CIN7 (4.3%)5 (3.1%)1.64¶ (0.50 to 5.37)0.417
Referred to children’s social care services (CSCS)
No554 (72.9%)538 (72.1%)Reference
Yes206 (27.1%)208 (27.9%)0.97† (0.74 to 1.28)0.829−0.8% (−5.3 to 3.7%)
Age at first referral (days)
Median (25–75th centiles)
1541.5 (1272.75 to 1975.75)1631.0 (1190.5 to 1984.75)0.96‡ (0.79 to 1.17)0.694
Child protection plan
No708 (93.2%)697 (93.4%)Reference
Yes52 (6.8%)49 (6.6%)1.04† (0.69 to 1.57)0.8460.2% (−0.2 to 0.3%)
Category of child protection plann=52n=49
Neglect17 (32.7%)22 (44.9%)Reference
Emotional22 (42.3%)12 (24.5%)2.77¶¶ (1.02 to 7.56)0.046
Physical6 (11.5%)6 (12.2%)1.25¶¶ (0.32 to 4.88)0.743
Sexual and multiple**7 (13.5%)9 (18.4%)1.13¶¶ (0.33 to 3.86)0.848
Looked after status††
No735 (96.7%)719 (96.4%)Reference
Yes25 (3.3%)27 (3.6%)0.90† (0.52 to 1.57)0.712−0.3% (−0.2 to 0.2%)
Child looked after period of care (months)10.0 (4.5 to 37.5)12.0 (6.0 to 33.0)0.75§ (0.65 to 0.86)<0.001
Injuries and ingestionsN=760N=759
Emergency attendance§§
None317 (41.7%)344 (45.3%)Reference
At least one443 (58.3%)415 (54.7%)1.17† (0.95 to 1.45)0.1493.6% (−1.4 to 8.6%)
No of attendances per child2 (1 to 2)2 (1 to 3)1.09¶¶ (0.93 to 1.28)0.281
Admission to hospital
None671 (88.3%)660 (87.0%)Reference
At least one89 (11.7%)99 (13.0%)0.87† (0.63 to 1.20)0.407−1.3% (−4.7 to 2.0%)
Unique admissions109119
Ratio of admissions to children1.221.20
No of admissions per child, median
(25–75th centile)
1 (1 to 1)1 (1 to 1)0.93¶¶ (0.67 to 1.29)0.663
Length of stay (days)‡‡N=106N=119
 Median (25–75th centile) days0.5 (0.5 to 1.0)0.5 (0.5 to 1.0)
Hospital attendance and/or admission
None306 (40.3%)324 (42.7%)Reference
At least one454 (59.7%)435 (57.3%)1.11† (0.89 to 1.37)0.3512.4% (−2.5 to 7.4%)
DNA outpatient appointmentN=580N=577
Attended all appointments290 (50.0%)289 (50.1%)Reference
DNA at least once290 (50.0%)288 (49.9%)1.00† (0.79 to 1.26)0.9970.09% (−5.6 to 5.8%)
  • Data are n (%), n/N (%) or median (25–75th centile) unless otherwise stated.

  • *FNP compared with usual care. Analysis adjusted for stratification (site), minimisation variables (gestational age, smoking status at recruitment, and first or preferred language).

  • †OR from logistic model.

  • ‡HR from Cox model.

  • §A unique referral is counted as a distinct referral date per child.

  • ¶Relative risk ratio from multinomial model.

  • **Multiple indicates when more than one category of abuse is relevant to the child’s current plan.

  • ††We reflect here the terminology used at the time of the trial but note the more contemporary ‘care experienced’ as a more familiar and accepted term.

  • ‡‡0.5 days indicates an admission and discharge on the same day (could be up to 1 day in hospital). Data available from NHS Digital which show an admission and discharge 1 day apart may not equate to one full day in hospital (ie, the child may have been in hospital for only a few hours if the admission spanned midnight). Source: National Pupil Database, The Department for Education.

  • §§Using diagnosis in any position.

  • ¶¶Incidence rate ratio from Poisson model.

  • FNP, family nurse partnership; NHS, National Health Service.