Table 1

SC4WM modules

Module 1: eat.Cultivate a more self-compassionate attitude towards eating behaviours. Includes journaling, meditation and reflection activities designed to create mindfulness of eating behaviour, a feeling of shared humanity and self-kindness to the challenges of eating well.
Module 2: move.Develop a more self-compassionate attitude towards physical activity behaviours. Includes journaling, meditation and reflection activities designed to create a mindful awareness of physical activity, a feeling of connection and self-kindness to the challenges of engaging in physical activity.
Module 3: weigh.Foster a more self-compassionate attitude towards body weight. Includes journaling, meditation and reflection activities designed to create a mindful reaction to body weight, an awareness that they are not alone in their weight struggles, and strategies to bring self-kindness to the scale.
Module 4: unify.Cultivate a more self-compassionate attitude towards weight management as a whole. Includes the selection of activites for the participant to continue with after the intervention.
  • SC4WM, self-compassion for weight management.