Table 2

Consensus-generated 21-item CLARIFY checklist for the reporting of yoga research

No.THEME: SubthemeItem
1aSuccinctly describe the yoga intervention.Include the word ‘yoga’ in the publication title.
2aDescribe any rationale, theory or goal of the elements essential to the yoga intervention.Describe why the specific population was included in the study.
3aDescribe the yoga practices or activities used in the intervention.Describe the duration of yoga practices within yoga session (eg, 20 min postures, 10 min breathing).
3bDescribe the type of yoga practices included (eg, postures/asana, breathing/pranayama, meditation, relaxation).
4aDescribe the expertise, background and training of those providing the yoga intervention.Describe the qualifications of the yoga instructor(s).
5aDescribe how the yoga intervention was delivered (eg, class, video/audio) and whether it was provided individually or in a group.Describe the teaching approach including: visual demonstration, verbal guidance and/or hands on assistance.
6aDescribe the number of times the yoga intervention was delivered and over what period, including the number of sessions, their schedule and their duration and intensity.Describe the duration of each yoga session (in minutes).
6bDescribe the duration of the yoga intervention (eg, over 8 weeks).
6cDescribe the frequency of yoga sessions (eg, two times per week).
6dDescribe the number of yoga sessions.
7aDescribe aspects of home practice if any.Describe the duration and frequency of home practice (if any).
7bReport whether yoga was available to participants during the follow-up period (if relevant), and list any recommendations made for home practice dose.
7cDescribe if and how adherence to home practice was measured.
8aIf the yoga intervention was modified during the course of the study in ways not described in the protocol, please describe the changes.Describe any changes to the yoga protocol during the study.
8bDescribe the rationale for changes to the yoga protocol during the study.
9aIf adherence to the yoga intervention was assessed, describe how and by whom and what, if any strategies were used to maintain or improve adherence.Describe if and how class/session attendance was measured.
9bDescribe any strategies used to promote practice adherence.
10aDescribe the extent to which the yoga intervention was delivered as planned.Describe the assessment of protocol fidelity.
10bDescribe the reasons for deviation from study plan.
10cDescribe any differences between proposed programme and actual programme delivery.
10dDescribe when protocol was modified.