Table 2

PHCP referral practice*

Frequent referral n (%)
(weekly or monthly)
Total N=109
Infrequent referral n (%)
(>monthly or no referral)
Total N=113
Staff type
GP (n=28)10 (35.7)18 (64.3)
PN (n=120)57 (47.5)63 (52.5)
ANP (n=57)32 (56.1)25 (43.9)
Other (ECP/NP/Pharm/HCA) (n=17)10 (58.8)7 (41.2)
CPD respiratory qualification84 (77.1)59 (52.2)
Years in practice >10 years†65/107 (60.7)58/112 (51.8)
  • *11/99 online PHCPs specified that they referred to PR but did not specify referral frequency and were removed from this analysis.

  • †107/109 and 112/113 reported time spent in general practice.

  • CPD, continuous practice development; ECP, emergency care practitioner; GP, general practitioner; HCA, healthcare assistant; NP, nurse practitioner; PHCP, primary healthcare practitioner; PN, practice nurse; PR, pulmonary rehabilitation.