Table 4

Results of TDF belief statements by referral frequency

TDF domainTDF questions (n=54)Frequent referral n=109 (%)
Infrequent referral n=113 (%)
(>monthly or no referral)
Total n=222(%)
1. KnowledgeI am aware of the content of PR programmes*97/109 (89.0)72/113 (63.7)169/222 (76.1)
I am aware of PR programme objectives.*99/109 (90.8)75/113 (66.4)174/222 (78.4)
I am unsure of the evidence base for PR18/109 (16.5)30/113 (26.5)49/222 (21.6)
I know where geographically my local PR programme is delivered*92/109 (84.4)70/113 (61.9)162/222 (73.0)
I know when it is appropriate to refer a patient with COPD to PR*106/109 (97.3)74/113 (65.5)180/222 (81.1)
I can answer questions patients have about PR*88/109 (80.7)60/113 (53.1)148/222 (66.7)
I know how to contact my local PR provider*91/109 (83.2)68/113 (60.2)159/222 (71.6)
2. SkillIt is easy to refer a patient to PR*87/109 (80.0)48/113 (42.5)135/222 (60.8)
3. Social and professional roleReferral to PR is the practice nurse role63/109 (57.8)45/113 (39.8)108/222 (48.6)
Other general practice staff in my practice (excluding practice nurse) refer patients to PR52/109 (47.7)63/113 (55.8)115/222 (51.8)
I believe in encouraging patients to attend PR109/109 (100)104/112 (92.9)213/221 (96.4)
4. EnvironmentResources about PR (ie, written information) are readily available39/109 (35.7)25/112 (22.3)64/221 (29.0)
There is not enough time in practice to refer12/109 (11.0)22/113 (19.5)34/222 (15.3)
5. Social influencesMy local PR providers regularly engage with me31/109 (28.4)17/113 (15.0)48/222 (22.6)
PR is something that patients ask for3/109 (2.8)8/112 (7.1)11/221 (5.0)
There are good relationships in practice with PR providers44/109 (40.4)28/112 (25.0)72/221 (32.6)
PR providers are good at communicating outcomes of referrals I have made39/109 (35.8)25/112 (22.3)64/221 (29.0)
6. Optimism (including pessimism)I am confident my local PR provider offers a good service for my patients*81/109 (74.3)52/113 (46.0)135/222 (60.8)
I don’t believe patients will attend PR after I have referred16/109 (14.7)16/113 (14.2)32/222 (14.4)
Patients who smoke are not motivated to take part in PR7/109 (6.4)7/113 (6.2)14/222 (6.3)
Patients who live alone won’t like to take part in group PR5/109 (4.6)2/113 (1.8)7/222 (3.2)
Patients are motivated to attend PR23/109 (21.6)30/111 (27.0)53/219 (24.2)
7. Belief about capabilities (self)I am confident in my ability to encourage patients to attend PR, even when they are not motivated91/109 (83.5)73/113 (67.6)164/222 (73.9)
I do not find it easy to discuss PR with patients8/109 (7.3)25/113 (22.1)36/222 (16.2)
Belief about capabilities (patients)Patients without their own transport won’t be able to get to PR40/109 (36.7)26/113 (23.0)66/222 (29.7)
Patients in work are not able to attend PR*62/109 (56.9)35/113 (31.0)97/222 (43.7)
Patients who use home oxygen are unable to take part in PR4/109 (3.7)6/113 (5.3)10/222 (4.5)
8. Belief about consequencesIf I keep pushing patients to attend PR this will disadvantage my relationship with them.10/109 (9.2)10/112 (8.9)20/221 (9.0)
I believe patients may be harmed by taking part In PR1/109 (0.9)1/113 (0.9)2/222 (0.9)
I believe most patients will attend and complete PR following my referral55/109 (50.4)47/112 (42.0)102/221 (46.2)
PR is not beneficial to patients who are breathless3/109 (2.8)3/113 (2.7)6/222 (2.7)
PR is best suited to those patients with worsening breathlessness29/109 (26.6)29/112 (25.9)58/221 (26.2)
PR is best suited to those who have frequent exacerbations27/109 (24.8)28/112 (25.0)55/221 (24.9)
PR reduces hospital admissions101/109 (92.7)97/112 (86.6)198/221 (89.6)
PR reduces risk of mortality85/109 (78.0)82/112 (73.2)167/221 (75.6)
If patients attend PR this will reduce their general practice visits73/109 (67.0)78/112 (69.6)151/221 (68.3)
PR reduces exacerbations88/109 (80.7)84/112 (75.0)172/221 (77.8)
PR improves breathlessness103/109 (94.5)100/112 (89.3)203/221 (91.9)
PR reduces a patient’s anxiety and/or depression.97/108 (89.8)96/112 (85.7)193/220 (87.7)
9.GoalsReferring patients to PR is something I have been advised to do*95/107 (88.8)57/112 (50.9)152/219 (69.4)
My practice regularly reviews COPD registers to ensure eligible patients with COPD are offered PR51/109 (46.8)40/113 (35.4)91/222 (41.0)
There are set targets within the practice to improve PR referral rates23/109 (21.1)21/113 (18.6)44/222 (19.8)
10. Memory (Inc. decision-making)I often forget to refer patients with COPD to PR3/109 (2.8)23/113 (20.4)26/222 (11.7)
Prompts to refer patients to PR within annual review templates are important reminders for me72/109 (66.1)69/112 (61.6)141/221 (63.8)
I only refer patients if they have quit smoking1/109 (0.9)3/113 (2.7)4/222 (1.8)
I only refer patients if they are optimised on their respiratory medication17/109 (15.6)12/113 (10.6)29/222 (13.1)
PR is most suited to patients with COPD who have frequent exacerbations20/109 (18.3)20/113 (17.7)40/221 (18.1)
The best time to discuss PR referral with patients is when they are stable32/109 (29.4)25/112 (22.3)57/221 (25.8)
11. ReinforcementMore healthcare practitioners will discuss PR with patients because of the QoF incentive75/109 (68.8)73/112 (65.2)148/221 (67.0)
My practice receives financial incentives for referral to PR (before April 2019)6/108 (5.6)5/113 (4.4)11/221 (5.0)
I believe patient attendance to PR will increase because of the QoF incentive41/109 (37.6)58/112 (51.8)99/221 (44.8)
I believe the QoF incentive will not increase patients PR attendance29/109 (26.6)25/112 (2.3)54/221 (24.4)
There will be greater awareness of PR within practices because of the new QoF incentives84/109 (77.1)71/112 (63.4)155/221 (70.1)
12. IntentionsI will refer more patients to PR now there are practice QoF incentives (from April 2019)30/109 (27.5)42/112 (37.5)72/221 (32.6)
  • *Differences in results of >20% between frequent and infrequent referrer.

  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PR, pulmonary rehabilitation; TDF, Theoretical Domains Framework.