Table 1

Alternative diagnoses for false positive cases of hypochondriasis (n=17) and dysmorphophobia (n=11).

Dysmorphophobia11Excoriation (skin-picking) disorder3
Psychotic disorder4Factitial dermatitis3
Somatisation disorder2Eating disorder, unspecified3
Somatoform disorder, unspecified2Hypochondriasis2
Obsessive-compulsive disorder2Psychotic disorder2
Major depressive disorder2Pervasive developmental disorder2
Borderline personality disorder2Delusional disorder1
General anxiety disorder1Somatisation disorder1
Anxiety disorder, unspecified1Obsessive-compulsive disorder1
Bipolar disorder1Trichotillomania1
Pervasive developmental disorder1Social phobia1
Substance dependence disorder1Generalised anxiety disorder1
Acute stress reaction1Post-traumatic stress disorder1
Gender identity disorder1
Borderline personality disorder1
  • Numbers do not add up to the total of false positive cases (n=17 for hypochondriasis and n=11 for dysmorphophobia) given that, for multiple cases, raters suggested more than one alternative diagnosis.