Table 1

Sources of information for the needs assessment

Information domainPublished and grey literatureObservationInterviews (including discussions)
Factory worker demographics70% are aged <30 years, half have only primary school education, and most of them have migrated from rural areas away from their family and community support.
Higher rate of abortion compared with young women in the national survey, contraception use
Observations of factory workers in and outside of factories consistent with literatureInterviews consistent with literature and observations, although not randomly selected.
Factory workers’ daily life and living conditions outside the factoryGrey literature (NGO reports and newspaper articles) but very limited in detail. Academic literature focused on specific aspects of health and earnings. Limited qualitative work highlighting living conditions (Chansanphors 2008)Observations in factories (working space, canteen, infirmary, public spaces), in shops and markets near factories and in 1 worker’s home. This provided a useful perspective in the spaces where workers live, what kind of goods and services they have access to, how far they need to go to access specific services.Formal interviews with 33 female factory workers. ‘Hanging out’ at break times, over meals and at their homes for informal conversations. This allowed us to build rapport, and to contextualise, triangulate and clarify information received from a variety of sources.
Sources of information for family planning and abortionLiterature and grey literature on contraception and abortion needs and services. No research exists on use of web sources for health/sexual health information in Cambodia
  • Direct observation of online activities did not yield any finding regarding searching for family planning information.

  • Direct search on YouTube for ‘family planning’, ‘abortion’, ‘medical abortion’, ‘contraceptive pill’ showed several videos on the topics, some instructional, some editorial. All videos had comments, many from 2019 (regardless of when the video was first published), which indicate increasing engagement with online sources to look for family planning information.

Interviews with factory workers indicated a strong reliance on family and friends for information related to contraception and abortion. Medical practitioners were also cited as a source of information, but less influential. Interviewees who were asked directly denied looking for family planning information online, but some said they looked for other health information on Facebook or YouTube.
Family planning providers’ reproductive health practicesPublished literature on family planning in CambodiaObservation in garment factory infirmaries and private providers.Interviews with 22 providers, including factory nurses, pharmacists, private nurses and doctors.
  • NGO, non-governmental organisation.