Table 1

Broad characteristics among healthcare workers assessed for antibody reactivity to spike SARS-CoV-2 protein in phase 1 and phase 2

Overall*Spike ELISA (AUC) positive in both phasesNegative reactivity to spike (AUC) in both phasesP value
Age, years44.7±12.442.9±11.945.8±12.70.099
Female, gender111 (63.1%)40 (58.8%)71 (65.7%)0.467
 Latinx54 (30.7%)21 (30.9%)33 (30.6%)
 Asian52 (29.5%)18 (26.5%)34 (31.5%)
 Black29 (16.5%)15 (22.1%)14 (13.0%)
 White31 (17.6%)10 (14.7%)21 (19.4%)
 Other10 (5.7%)4 (5.9%)6 (5.9%)
Comorbidities54 (30.7%)25 (36.8%)29 (26.9%)0.214
 BCG vaccine received in childhood87 (49.4%)35 (51.5%)52 (48.1%)0.902
 COVID-19-related symptoms prior to phase 1103 (58.5%)57 (83.8%)46 (42.6%)<0.001
Duration of symptoms<0.001
 <7 days48 (46.6%)18 (31.0%)30 (66.7%)
 7–14 days19 (18.4%)12 (20.7%)7 (15.6%)
 >14 days36 (35.0%)28 (48.3%)8 (17.8%)
Time from symptom to positive result, days45.7±19.947.9±16.042.9±24.10.062
RT-PCR positive result for SARS-CoV-2 prior to phase 151 (29.0%)49 (72.1%)2 (1.9%)<0.001
RT-PCR positive result for SARS-CoV-2 during phase 114 (8.0%)13 (19.1%)1 (0.9%)<0.001
Persisting symptoms from COVID-1925 (14.2%)19 (27.9%)6 (5.6%)<0.001
Nature of work0.306
 Physicians81 (46.0%)29 (42.6%)52 (51.5%)
 Nurses29 (16.5%)15 (22.1%)14 (13.0%)
 Others64 (36.4%)24 (35.3%)40 (39.6%)
Hospital areas worked in
 Emergency department/inpatient units118 (67.0%)50 (73.5%)68 (63.0%)0.141
 Ambulatory care/clinics72 (40.9%)27 (39.7%)45 (41.7%)0.631
 Administration/non-clinical care areas24 (13.6%)9 (13.2%)15 (13.9%)0.867
Community exposure47 (26.7%)19 (27.9%)28 (25.9%)0.591
Household exposure39 (22.2%)17 (25.0%)22 (20.4%)0.343
PPE use at work173 (98.3%)67 (98.5%)106 (98.1%)0.226
Use of face mask outside of the hospital158 (89.8%)58 (85.3%)100 (92.6%)0.062
  • Continuous variables are expressed as mean (SD), categorical variables as n (%).

  • *Demographic data are missing for two participants from the overall cohort.

  • AUC, area under the curve; PPE, personal protective equipment; RT-PCR, reverse transcription PCR.