Table 2

Screening questions to identify literature for including in a scoping review investigating the impact of restricted visitation policies in hospitals enacted because of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients, family members and healthcare providers of hospitalised patients, and the approaches that have been taken to mitigate impact

Screening domain and questionCharacteristics for assessment
Title and abstract screening question to be used to identify literature to be included in the full-text screening process
Study design: does the title/abstract describe an observational or interventional primary research study, including focus groups and qualitative inquires, as well as reviews, commentaries, editorials, opinions, case studies and case reports, or reports from expert advisory groups?Yes: the study employs an observational or interventional primary research design, including focus groups and qualitative inquires, as well as reviews, commentaries, editorials, opinions, case studies and case reports, or reports from expert advisory groups.No: the study is a protocol.Unclear: it is unclear if the study design is primary research, or a review, commentary, editorial, opinion, case study or case report, or a report from an expert advisory group.
Publication type: does the title and abstract come from a published study, government report, non-government report or postsecondary institutional thesis (exceeding 500 words in length)?Yes: the study is a published study, government report, non-government report or postsecondary institutional thesis (exceeding 500 words in length).No: the study is not a published study, government report, non-government report or postsecondary institutional thesis or is fewer than 500 words in length.Unclear: it is unclear if the study is a published study, or government report, non-governmental report or postsecondary institutional thesis (exceeding 500 words in length) from the title and abstract.
Population: does the population of interest include patients, family members and/or healthcare providers of hospitalised adult patients?Yes: the study population describes patients, family members and/or healthcare providers of hospitalised adult patients.No: the population of interest is not entirely patients, family members and/or healthcare providers of hospitalised adult patients.Unclear: it is unclear if the population of interest is patients, family members and/or healthcare providers of hospitalised adult patients.
Exposure: is the study’s exposure of interest an enacted policy on restricted visitation for hospitalised patients?Yes: the exposure of interest is an enacted policy on restricted visitation for hospitalised patients.No: the exposure of interest is not an enacted policy on restricted visitation for hospitalised patients.Unclear: it is unclear if the exposure of interest is an enacted policy on restricted visitation for hospitalised patients.
Outcome: does the title and/or abstract describe research on the perspectives, experiences or impacts of restricted visitation in hospitals on patients, family members or healthcare providers?Yes: one or more of the outcomes in the study are related to perspectives, experiences or impacts of restricted visitation in hospitals on patients, family members or healthcare providers.No: there is no outcome in the study related to any of perspectives, experiences or impacts of restricted visitation in hospitals on patients, family members or healthcare providers.Unclear: it is unclear from the title and abstract if the outcome of interest is related to any perspectives, experiences or impacts of restricted visitation in hospitals on patients, family members or healthcare providers.
Screening domain and questionCharacteristics for assessment
Full article screen questions to be used to identify literature for inclusion in the systematic review
*Full article screening questions include all screening domains and questions from title and abstract screening, and two additional domains
Time frame: was the restricted visitation policy enacted on or after 1 December 2019?Yes: the restricted visitation policy was enacted on or after 1 December 2019.No: the restricted visitation policy was enacted before 1 December 2019.
Setting: was the setting where the restricted visitation policy was enacted an acute care facility?Yes: the setting where the restricted visitation policy was enacted is an acute care facility.No: the setting where the restricted visitation policy was enacted is a long-term care facility or a nursing home.