Table 1

HED-Start session outline

Session and themeOutline of session
Session 1—Self-management/self-care skills, and setting goals related to treatmentIntroduce HED-Start programme outline and key principles; provide information and facilitate activity on self-management and symptom experience; goal setting of a short-term, specific and realistic behavioural goal (using confidence rulers and considering its benefits, barriers and importance) to practice before the next session.
Session 2—Cognitive reframing and acceptance/mindfulnessReview goal setting progress and problem solve any barriers; revise goal(s) set in session 1 or set goal (if none set at session 1); recap on session 1 content; psychoeducation on the CBT model; activity on cognitive reframing; psychoeducation on acceptance and mindfulness practice; and homework practice on cognitive reframing.
Session 3—Recognise positive events and social resourcesReview goal setting progress and problem solve any barriers; revise goal set in session 2; review homework practice; recap on session 2 content; activity to construct a map of participants’ social resources and activities; psychoeducation on positive moments and gratitude; homework practice to identify positive moments and gratitude diary.
Session 4—Personal strengths and goal setting for the futureReview goal setting progress; review homework practice; recap on session 3 content; activity to appreciate dialysis as just another part of life; identifying personal strengths activity; setting longer-term goals for the future (beyond HED-Start); review of topics and key learning points in sessions 1–3.
  • CBT, cognitive–behavioural therapy.