Table 1

R.E.S.P.T strategy descriptions, questions and Cronbach’s alpha

Relationship skills strengthenedThis refers to strategies to improve skills in interpersonal communication, conflict management and shared decision-makingWho usually makes decisions about healthcare for yourself?0.61
Who usually makes decisions about making major household purchases?
Who usually makes decisions about visits to your family or relatives?
Who usually makes decisions about what food should be cooked each day?
Empowerment of womenThis refers to economic and social empowerment strategies including those that build skills in self-efficacy, assertiveness, negotiation and self-confidenceDo you own this or any other house either alone or jointly with someone else?0.85
Do you own any land either alone or jointly with someone else?
Services ensuredThis refers to a range of services including health, police, legal and social services for survivors of violenceMany different factors can prevent women from getting medical advice or treatment for themselves. When you are sick and want to get medical advice or treatment, is each of the following a big problem or not:
  • Getting permission to go to the doctor?

  • Getting money needed for advice or treatment?

  • The distance to the health facility?

  • Not wanting to go alone?

Poverty reducedThis refers to strategies targeted to women or the household, whose primary aim is to alleviate povertyWealth quintiles
Transformed attitudes and beliefsThis refers to strategies that challenge harmful gender attitudes, beliefs, norms and stereotypesIn your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations:
  • If she goes out without telling him?

  • If she neglects the children?

  • If she argues with him?

  • If she refuses to have sex with him?

  • If she burns the food?

Total score0.47