Table 1

Definitions for country policies to age of consent to HIV testing

Policy categoryDefinition
No mention (NM)Policy does not mention adolescents or minors or age of consent for HTS
Minor not defined (MND)Age of minor not defined
Parental consent required (PCR)Age of consent to HIV testing is 18 years or above. Ability to consent is defined by age
Some adolescents may access without parental consent (SAC)Age of consent to HIV testing is below 18 years. Minimum age to consent for HTS varies by country. Ability to consent is defined by age
No minimum age limit (NA)There is no minimum age limit for independent consent to HIV testing
Mature minor exceptions (MME)Minors classified as mature may access HIV testing without parental consent. Criteria for exceptions to minimum age of consent may include the following:
  • Shows maturity and understanding of the process and potential results (healthcare provider discretion).

  • At risk of contracting HIV or sexually active.

  • Symptomatic.

  • Pregnant.

  • Parent (adolescent is already a parent).

  • Head of household.

  • Married.

  • Child engaged in commercial sex work.

  • Street child.

MME are not mutually exclusive of other approaches including no adolescent access, some adolescent access or no age limit
  • HTS, HIV testing services.