Table 4

Health conditions of individuals on high-level probation in Hennepin County, Minnesota, anytime during 2016, by race and ethnicity

Hennepin County probation cohort (95% CI)
White, non-Hispanic (N=2055)Black or African American (N=3103)Native American
Asian or Pacific Islander (N=114)Hispanic
Physical conditions
Asthma10.8% (9.5% to 12.2%)17.4%*** (16.1% to 18.8%)12.9% (9.5% to 16.4%)11.0% (5.2% to 16.9%)12.9% (8.4% to 17.5%)
Diabetes4.2% (3.4% to 5.0%)6.8%*** (5.9% to 7.7%)10.2%*** (7.0% to 13.4%)3.9% (0.2% to 7.5%)8.4% (4.3% to 12.5%)
Hypertension13.7% (12.4% to 15.0%)20.5%*** (19.1% to 21.8%)20.1%** (16.2% to 24.1%)9.8% (4.4% to 15.1%)16.2% (11.1% to 21.3%)
Arthritis7.2% (6.2% to 8.1%)10.2%*** (9.1% to 11.2%)12.4%** (9.1% to 15.7%)2.1%** (−0.7% to 4.9%)5.9% (2.2% to 9.6%)
CKD5.2% (4.3% to 6.1%)6.0% (5.1% to 6.8%)7.7% (4.8% to 10.6%)5.4% (1.2% to 9.5%)5.5% (2.2% to 8.8%)
COPD3.7% (2.9% to 4.4%)3.7% (3.0% to 4.4%)3.4% (1.4% to 5.3%)2.8% (−0.3% to 5.9%)2.5% (0.1% to 4.9%)
Viral hepatitis6.1% (5.1% to 7.0%)3.1%*** (2.5% to 3.8%)10.1%* (6.9% to 13.3%)0.9%*** (−0.8% to 2.6%)5.7% (2.3% to 9.1%)
Ischemic heart disease2.6%*** (1.9% to 3.2%)2.8%*** (2.2% to 3.3%)2.7%** (0.9% to 4.6%)2.8% (−0.3% to 5.9%)3.8%* (0.9% to 6.7%)
Cancer0.3%** (0.1% to 0.5%)0.7%*** (0.4% to 1.0%)0.7% (−0.2% to 1.6%)0.5% (−0.5% to 1.5%)
Average # of chronic physical conditions (0–9)*0.52 (0.48 to 0.55)0.73 (0.69 to 0.76)***0.75 (0.63 to 0.87)‡0.42 (0.25 to 0.59)0.56 (0.41 to 0.71)
Substance use disorders (SUDs)
Any SUD71.6% (69.7% to 73.6%)62.0%*** (60.3% to 63.7%)85.9%*** (82.0% to 89.7%)47.7%*** (38.6% to 56.8%)66.3% (60.1% to 72.5%)
 Alcohol43.3% (41.2% to 45.4%)38.5%** (36.8% to 40.2%)59.2%*** (53.9% to 64.4%)24.8%*** (17.0% to 32.7%)42.5% (35.9% to 49.1%)
 Cannabis27.3% (25.3% to 29.2%)30.7%** (29.1% to 32.3%)35.8%** (30.6% to 40.9%)8.8%*** (3.6% to 13.9%)21.5%* (16.2% to 26.9%)
 Cocaine10.1% (8.9% to 11.3%)17.6%*** (16.2% to 18.9%)20.5%*** (16.3% to 24.7%)5.6%* (1.3% to 9.9%)16.4%* (11.2% to 21.5%)
 Methamphetamine29.1% (27.1% to 31.1%)5.5%*** (4.7% to 6.3%)27.9% (23.1% to 32.7%)17.4%** (10.6% to 24.3%)15.0%*** (10.2% to 19.8%)
 Opioids24.8% (22.9% to 26.6%)11.5%*** (10.3% to 12.6)41.2%*** (35.9% to 46.5%)7.2%*** (2.4% to 12.0%)23.5% (17.7% to 29.2%)
 Sedatives5.8% (4.8% to 6.9%)1.1%*** (0.7% to 1.4%)3.9% (1.9% to 5.9%)1.8%** (−0.7% to 4.2%)6.4% (3.1% to 9.6%)
 Unspecified SUD35.6% (33.6% to 37.7%)24.8%*** (23.3% to 26.4%)41.7%* (36.4% to 47.1%)17.1%*** (10.2% to 24.0%)23.4%*** (17.7% to 29.2%)
Mental health
Any MI64.9% (62.8% to 66.9%)48.5%*** (46.8% to 50.3%)67.5% (62.3% to 72.6%)34.6%*** (26.1% to 43.1%)52.8%** (46.3% to 59.3%)
 Anxiety53.0% (50.9% to 55.1%)35.4%*** (33.7% to 37.0%)55.1% (49.7% to 60.6%)28.3%*** (20.1% to 36.4%)44.0%* (37.5% to 50.6%)
 Bipolar23.5% (21.7% to 25.3%)18.6%*** (17.2% to 20.0%)19.4% (15.3% to 23.5%)10.9%*** (5.2% to 16.7%)20.2% (14.7% to 25.6%)
 Depression49.0% (46.9% to 51.1%)36.8%*** (35.2% to 38.5%)51.4% (46.0% to 56.7%)24.0%*** (16.3% to 31.7%)42.3% (35.9% to 48.7%)
 PTSD17.3% (15.7% to 18.8%)16.6% (15.3% to 17.9%)22.2%* (17.9% to 26.4%)9.1%** (3.8% to 14.4%)17.6% (12.4% to 22.7%)
 Severe MI11.2% (9.9% to 12.6%)13.6%* (12.4% to 14.9%)16.6%* (12.6% to 20.7%)9.8% (4.3% to 15.2%)10.9% (6.5% to 15.2%)
Any SUD and any MI53.2% (51.1% to 55.3%)38.5%*** (36.8% to 40.1%)63.9%*** (58.7% to 69.2%)21.8%*** (14.3% to 29.4%)42.9%** (36.3% to 49.4%)
Other conditions
Personality disorders15.4% (13.9% to 16.9%)10.0%*** (8.9% to 11.0%)11.0%* (7.8% to 14.3%)7.3%** (2.5% to 12.2%)13.0% (8.3% to 17.7%)
  • Race and ethnicity designations from data maintained by Hennepin County Corrections.

  • Counts for people on high-level probation anytime during 2016 and with 6+ months of full-benefit public health insurance eligibility between 2013 and 2016 in Minnesota.

  • Includes people with violation status, but not warrant status.

  • Conditions from ICD-9 diagnosis codes 2013–Q3 2015, ICD-10 codes Q4 2015–2016. Physical and mental health conditions grouped according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Chronic Condition Warehouse specifications. SUD conditions grouped according to Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project specifications, excluding remission codes.

  • *p<0.05 in bivariate comparison with white, non-Hispanic; **p<0.01 in bivariate comparison with white, non-Hispanic; ***p<0.001 in bivariate comparison with white, non-Hispanic.

  • CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICD-9, International Classification of Diseases ninth revision; ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases 10th revision; MI, mental illness; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.