Table 1

Descriptive characteristics at baseline by treatment group

Usual care
Home-based rehab
 Male125 (40.1%)125 (40.5%)250 (40.3%)
 Female187 (59.9%)184 (59.5%)371 (59.7%)
Age (years)†70.18 (8.14)70.67 (8.01)70.42 (8.07)
BMI†31.65 (4.99)31.34 (4.48)31.50 (4.74)
Side of operation*
 Right169 (54.2%)169 (54.7%)338 (54.4%)
 Left142 (45.5%)139 (45.0%)281 (45.2%)
 Not recorded1 (0.3%)1 (0.3%)2 (0.3%)
Knee arthroplasty type*
 TKA229 (73.4%)231 (74.8%)460 (74.1%)
 UKA82 (26.3%)77 (24.9%)159 (25.6%)
 Not recorded1 (0.3%)1 (0.3%)2 (0.3%)
ASA grade*
 Healthy38 (12.2%)55 (17.8%)93 (15.0%)
 Mild systemic disease218 (69.9%)202 (65.4%)420 (67.6%)
 Severe systemic disease43 (13.8%)44 (14.2%)87 (14.0%)
 Not recorded13 (4.2%)8 (2.6%)21 (3.4%)
Falls in the last year*
 Yes77 (24.7%)89 (28.8%)166 (26.7%)
 No235 (75.3%)220 (71.2%)455 (73.3%)
 If yes, no of falls‡1 (1, 3)2 (1, 3)2 (1, 3)
Previous lower limb surgery*
 Yes200 (64.1%)189 (61.2%)389 (62.6%)
 No112 (35.9%)120 (38.8%)232 (37.4%)
 Screening tool score‡6 (5, 6)6 (5, 6)6 (5, 6)
Charnley ABC*
 A—single knee arthroplasty134 (42.9%)138 (44.7%)272 (43.8%)
 B—both knees affected140 (44.9%)145 (46.9%)285 (45.9%)
 C—multiple joint disease/other disability38 (12.2%)26 (8.4%)64 (10.3%)
Stairs mobility*
 Normal19 (6.1%)19 (6.1%)38 (6.1%)
 One step at a time34 (10.9%)39 (12.6%)73 (11.8%)
 Down with rail18 (5.8%)19 (6.1%)37 (6.0%)
 Up/down with rail225 (72.1%)216 (69.9%)441 (71.0%)
 Unable down2 (0.6%)3 (1.0%)5 (0.8%)
 Unable14 (4.5%)12 (3.9%)26 (4.2%)
 Missing0 (0.0%)1 (0.3%)1 (0.2%)
Support mobility*
 None178 (57.1%)178 (57.6%)356 (57.3%)
 Stick outdoors83 (26.6%)78 (25.2%)161 (25.9%)
 Stick always34 (10.9%)31 (10.0%)65 (10.5%)
 Two sticks6 (1.9%)7 (2.3%)13 (2.1%)
 Two crutches5 (1.6%)7 (2.3%)12 (1.9%)
 Walking frame6 (1.9%)8 (2.6%)14 (2.3%)
Functional Comorbidity Index§
 0189 (60.6%)176 (57.0%)365 (58.8%)
 1–3112 (35.9%)125 (40.5%)237 (38.2%)
 4–68 (2.6%)6 (1.9%)14 (2.3%)
 7+2 (0.6%)0 (0.0%)2 (0.3%)
 Missing1 (0.3%)2 (0.6%)3 (0.5%)
  • *These values are reported as numbers and percentages.

  • †These values are reported as means and SD.

  • ‡These values are reported as medians and IQR.

  • §The Functional Comorbidity Index (85) counts the number of comorbidities experienced by each patient, giving more weight to more severe conditions. This was categorised in four groups: (1) no comorbidities (0), (2) small number of comorbidities,1–3 (3) medium number of comorbidities4–6 and (4) high number of comorbidities (7+).

  • ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI, body mass index; TKA, total knee arthroplasty; UKA, unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.