Table 2

Summary of patient preference for different treatment profiles

Treatment profile ITreatment profile IITreatment profile III
Attribute levelsRisk of fatigue as a side effect of treatment15%25%35%
Risk of falls or fracture as a side effect of treatment3%20%10%
Risk of cognitive impairment as a side effect of treatment0%5%5%
Risk of hypertension as a side effect of treatment5%25%15%
Extension of time until cancer-related pain occurs15 months35 months35 months
Risk of rashes as a side effect of treatment5%25%15%
CRPCSummed preference weights: mean (95% CI)3.234 (2.905 to 3.563)−2.088 (–2.296 to –1.880)−0.062 (–0.149 to 0.026)
Patients in favour of the profile: N (%)128 (93.4%)2 (1.5%)7 (5.1%)
mCRPCSummed preference weights: mean (95% CI)3.226 (2.776 to 3.675)−2.141 (–2.420 to –1.861)−0.151 (–0.268 to –0.034)
Patients in favour of the profile: N (%)72 (93.5%)1 (1.3%)4 (5.2%)
nmCRPCSummed preference weights: mean (95% CI)3.245 (2.758 to 3.732)−2.020 (−2.334 to –1.706)0.053 (–0.073 to 0.179)
Patients in favour of the profile: N (%)56 (93.3%)1 (1.7%)3 (5%)
  • CRPC, castration-resistant prostate cancer; mCRPC, metastatic CRPC ; nmCRPC, non-metastatic CRPC.