Table 3

Univariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis for factors associated with utilisation of DHIS data among health professionals at health facility in Ilu Aba Bora zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia 2020 (n=260)

VariableCategoryDHIS Utilisation(n=260)Crude ORAOR
SkillYes107 (77.0%)32 (23.0%)6.31 (3.14 to 7.98)3.83 (1.92 to 7.64)
No42 (34.7%)79 (65.3%)11
TrainingGood95 (75.4%)31 (24.6%)4.52 (2.45 to 7.41)3.90 (1.95 to 7.79)
Poor54 (40.3%)80 (59.7%)11
MotivationHigh112 (76.7%)34 (23.3%)3.32 (1.35 to 5.49)3.93 (1.99 to 7.76)
Low37 (32.5%)77 (67.5%)11
FeedbackYes105 (75.0%)35 (25.0%)5.38 (3.73 to 8.03)2.97 (1.53 to 5.77)
No44 (36.7%)76 (63.3%)11
SupervisionYes108 (76.1%)34 (23.9%)5.36 (3.24 to 9.61)3.06 (1.56 to 6.01)
No41 (34.7%)77 (65.3%)11
  • DHIS, district health information system.