Table 1

Search term strategies using keywords and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms

Sexual abuseSexual abuse (cont)Physical abuseEmotional abuseEmotional neglectAdditional child maltreatment definitions
Child* sexual abuseChild abuse survivorChild hittingChild worthlessDenial clothingChild neglect
Child sexual assaultChild sexual offenderChild shakingChild unlovedDenial shelterChild psychological assault
Child sexual coercionChild pornographyChild throwingChild inadequateDenial foodChild denial
Child rapeChild molestationChild poisoningChild failureCarer failureChild pasting
Child prostitutionChild sexual crimeChild burningChild unlovedParental failureChild emotional assault
Child crime victimsChild physicalChild scaldingChild corruptionEmotional harmNon-accidental injury
Child incestChild assaultChild drowningChild unheardEmotional danger
Child perpetrator/child victim 3Child beatingChild suffocatingCrueltyChild* neglect
Child physical violenceChild emo* abuseAbandonment
Child mental violenceChild maltreat*Bereavement
Child sexual violenceChild sexual coercionGrief
Child sexual offenceChild sexual aggression
  • Search terms: (“child abuse, sexual”[MeSH Terms] OR (“child”[All Fields] AND “abuse”[All Fields] AND “sexual”[All Fields]) OR “sexual child abuse”[All Fields] OR “physical child abuse” [All Fields] OR “emotional child abuse”[All Fields] OR (“child”[All Fields] AND “sexual”[All Fields] AND “abuse”[All Fields]) OR “child sexual abuse”[All Fields]) AND (“india”[MeSH Terms] OR “india”[All Fields])—expanded from Choudhry et al22 and Day et al66 and updated to include child maltreatment definitions.

  • *Alternative search terms to include adolescent sexual abuse, adolescent physical assault and so on.