Table 1

Characteristics of the participants (N=16).

CharacteristicsNumber (SD)
Age, mean71 (10)
Male, mean69.3 (11)
Female, mean72.1 (9.5)
Place of birth
 In Sweden12
Marital status
Closest next-of-kin
 No next-of-kin2
Education level
 No education1
 Elementary school5
 High school/upper secondary school7
Income (Swedish krona/month)
 <10 0001
 10 000–20 0006
 20 000–50 0007
 >50 0001
Specific diagnosis†
 Congestive heart failure9
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases9
 Renal failure3
Chronic conditions per individual (N)
 Diagnoses (N), males, mean6 (1)
 Diagnoses (N), females, mean5 (1.4)
 Charlson comorbidity index, age-adjusted, mean6.7 (2.5)
  • *Husband/wife/partner, child or friend.

  • †Data taken from electronic/medical records.