Table 4

Mean total health system cost (SD) of health service in STAT and post and traditional waitlist periods and mean (95% CI) difference between groups ($A) and ICERs modelled at 6 and 12 months post-STAT implementation

PerspectiveGroupsDifference between groupsICER*
P value
Traditional waitlist n=278STAT n=279Mean difference
(95% CI)
Health system
6 months1324 (2754)1414 (2372)93 (–334 to 519)6.30.669
12 months1324 (2755)1390 (2369)68 (–358 to 495)4.40.753
  • Between-group mean difference calculated using service as a covariate.

  • *Cost per day of reduced waiting time.

  • .ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; STAT, Specific Timely Appointments for Triage.