Table 3

Mean total cost (SD) of groups and mean (95% CI) difference between groups ($A) from a health system perspective at 3 months

PerspectiveGroupsDifference between groupsP value
Traditional waitlist n=278STAT n=279Mean difference
(95% CI)
Total cost1324 (2755)1486 (2383)165 (−261 to 592)0.447
12 weeks before 1st appointment648 (2584)635 (1962)−13 (−395 to 370)0.949
 Hospital admission197 (2354)144 (1592)−52 (−387 to 282)0.758
 Emergency department attendance125 (226)110 (224)−15 (−52 to 22)0.418
 Outpatient health professional service327 (423)382 (968)55 (−69 to 180)0.384
12 weeks after 1st appointment676 (965)851 (1036)178 (16 to 316)0.031
 Hospital admission128 (834)167 (823)39 (−99 to 177)0.579
 Emergency department attendance56 (180)77 (173)21 (−8 to 51)0.155
 Outpatient health professional service492 (439)486 (392)−4 (−66 to 51)0.900
 STAT implementation costs0 (0)121 (91)122 (112 to 131)<0.001
  • Between-group mean difference calculated using service as a covariate.

  • STAT, Specific Timely Appointments for Triage.