Table 2

Participant characteristics at baseline in traditional waitlist and STAT groups

Traditional waitlist n=278STAT n=279P value
n (%)n (%)
Sex (female)155 (56)161 (58)0.642
Age* (years)37 (32)38 (32)0.864
Referral reason0.743
 Musculoskeletal63 (23)73 (26)
 Neurological24 (9)25 (9)
 Developmental assessment101 (36)90 (32)
 Incontinence79 (28)83 (30)
 General function (falls, mobility, home assessment)11 (4)8 (3)
Referral source†0.325
 Hospital36 (13)29 (10)
 Medical practitioner80 (29)66 (24)
 Self/relative/carer34 (12)36 (13)
 Community service provider128 (46)147 (53)
First discipline appointment0.017
 Physiotherapist166 (60)172 (62)
 Occupational therapist14 (5)12 (4)
 Speech pathologist38 (14)43 (15)
 Nurse49 (18)26 (9)
 Medical6 (2)20 (7)
 Social worker4 (1)4 (1)
 Dietitian1 (<1)2 (1)
Discharged from health service within 3 months of 1st appointment112 (40)97 (34)0.178
Missed appointments*0.27 (0.96)0.25 (0.71)0.76
Received government benefits181 (65)154 (55)0.017
Received informal care56 (20)62 (22)0.548
AQOL-8D* (units) (n pre/n post)
Physical dimension utility (276/277)0.63 (0.24)0.65 (0.24)0.288
Mental dimension utility (276/272)0.39 (0.19)0.42 (0.19)0.078
Global utility
0.68 (0.20)0.71 (0.21)0.066
  • *Reported as mean (SD).

  • †One missing data point, data calculated from 278 participants.

  • AQOL-8D, Assessment of Quality of Life; STAT, Specific Timely Appointments for Triage.