Table 1

Prevalence % of low educational attainment at key stage 4 by sociodemographic and parental characteristics

% (N)Low attainment %OR95% CI
 Male51.6 (550)42.01Ref
 Female48.4 (560)31.5***0.64***(0.49 to 0.83)
Age (years)
 111.1 (14)65.5*3.42*(1.05 to 11.15)
 129.7 (111)38.41.12(0.72 to 1.76)
 1338.9 (432)37.31.07(0.81,1.42)
 1450.4 (553)35.71.00Ref
Ethnic group
 White British86.1 (839)36.91Ref
 Other ethnic group13.9 (271)37.01.00(0.72 to 1.40)
Parental highest social class (NS-SEC)
 Management and professional41.8 (439)23.41.00Ref
 Intermediate22.7 (253)34.2**1.70**(1.19 to 2.44)
 Routine and manual31.0 (345)53.6**3.79***(2.74 to 5.25)
 Unemployed4.4 (53)61.3**5.18***(2.60 to 10.35)
Mother’s highest qualification
 Degree or higher33.2 (351)24.01Ref
 A-level or equivalent17.5 (185)21.80.88(0.57 to 1.38)
 GCSE or equivalent29.5 (309)41.3***2.23***(1.57 to 3.19)
 None/other19.8 (239)65.4***6.00***(4.06 to 8.86)
Household poverty score
 Not at all deprived20.9 (179)16.21Ref
 Somewhat deprived54.0 (493)35.8***2.89***(1.84 to 4.56)
 Highly deprived25.1 (266)56.5***6.74***(4.08 to 11.13)
Family composition
 Two parent69.7 (759)32.91Ref
 Single parent27.8 (321)47.6***1.86***(1.39 to 2.47)
 Other2.5 (30)Suppressed
Happy with school work
 Happy74.7 (840)29.61Ref
 Not happy25.3 (263)58.6***3.38***(2.49 to 4.57)
Happy with school
 Happy78.6 (876)32.01Ref
 Not happy21.4 (220)54.7***2.57***(1.86 to 3.53)
Parental interest in school
 Always or nearly always79.0 (871)34.41Ref
 Sometimes or rarely21.0 (220)46.4**1.66**(1.20 to 2.28)
Regularly attends parents’ evenings
 Always or nearly always81.1 (896)29.61Ref
 Sometimes or rarely18.9 (199)68.0***5.05***(3.56 to 7.16)
Feels supported by family
 Always or mostly76.3 (837)34.71Ref
 Not supported23.7 (269)44.1*1.49*(1.10 to 2.02)
Regularly quarrels with either parent
 Less than once a week60.0 (662)33.11Ref
 More than once a week40.0 (423)42.6**1.50**(1.14 to 1.97)
Parental mental health
 Not poor56.8 (539)30.01Ref
 Poor43.2 (423)46.0***1.98***(1.50 to 2.62)
Parental physical health
 Not poor58.6 (564)32.91Ref
 Poor41.4 (402)42.6**1.52**(1.15 to 2.00)
Attainment at key stage 2 Maths
 Achieved level 471.5 (860)26.61Ref
 Did not achieve level 417.4 (169)85.9***16.92***(10.65 to 26.87)
Attainment at key stage 2 Writing
 Achieved level 482.6 (270)22.21Ref
 Did not achieve level 428.4 (759)73.9***9.96***(7.14 to 13.90)
Attainment at key stage 2 Reading
 Achieved level 492.3 (947)32.41Ref
 Did not achieve level 47.7 (74)91.5***22.65***(9.85 to 52.09)
  • Ref=reference group; unweighted N; imputed and weighted percentages shown; low educational attainment defined as <5 GCSEs at A*–C including English and maths; some values are suppressed due to small base sizes and risk of disclosure; *** p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05.

  • GCSE, General Certificate of Secondary Education.