Table 3

Agreement and reliability results for the 15 items* of the PIVC-miniQ, Dhulikhel Hospital

Item on the PIVC-miniQNegativeDisagreePositiveSumNegative agreementPositive agreementAbsolute agreementScott’s pi
Pain and tenderness on palpation191811374090.8250.7720.8020.597
Redness >1 cm from insertion site3961214090.9850.1430.9710.128
Swelling >1 cm from insertion site36236114090.9530.3790.9120.332
Warmth at insertion site3634424090.9430.0830.8920.026
Streak/red line along the vein3614624090.9400.0800.8880.020
Induration, hardness of tissue3891914090.9760.0950.9540.071
Palpable hard vein beyond tip32176124090.8940.2400.8140.134
Partial/complete dislodgement3931514090.9810.1180.9630.099
Soiled with blood or fluids234751004090.8620.7270.8170.589
Loose or lifting dressing edges198157544090.7160.4080.6160.124
Fixed with tape only232391384090.9220.8760.9050.799
Blood in line1401171524090.7050.7220.7140.427
Insertion date not documented on PIVC dressing203138684090.7460.4960.6630.243
Indication unknown3935114090.9940.8150.9880.808
  • *The 15 items are exclusive of ‘date of PIVC insertion lacking in chart’ as this item was not a part of the PIVC procedure at Dhulikhel Hospital.

  • PIVC, peripheral intravenous catheter; PIVC-miniQ, PIVC-mini Questionnaire.