Studies with participants of any age, race/ethnicity, nationality or socioeconomic status. Study participants identified as having endometriosis (ie, surgical verification, histological confirmation, provider presumed or participant identified). The purpose and/or results of the study report issues related to pathways, timing and/or delay in diagnosis. Primary research/empirical studies (qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods and intervention studies). Peer-reviewed journals. Grey sources (eg, dissertations). Case studies.
Animal studies. Abstracts only. Editorials, Op-eds or position papers. Literature reviews. Case reports. Pathways, timing, or delays in diagnosis are reported solely as a descriptive statistic of the sample. Full-text is not published in English. Studies concentrating on diagnostic tools, tests or equipment. Studies in which the participants are solely healthcare providers and focus on knowledge base, understanding and opinions concerning endometriosis.