Table 3

C-section rate by wealth group, year and birth location

PoorestPoorerMiddleRicherRichestRD*RR*P value*
Homebirth delivery rate
 200879.13 (580)53.29 (275)43.84 (217)28.40 (121)15.47 (67)−63.660.20<0.001
 201744.00 (275)19.00 (91)13.88 (58)10.20 (41)2.25 (8)−41.750.05<0.001
Any services C-section rate†
 200813.33 (20)15.90 (38)21.74 (60)22.62 (69)26.24 (95)12.911.970.004
 201712.86 (45)19.64 (22.28)22.28 (80)26.11 (94)36.52 (126)23.662.84<0.001
Private services C-section rate
 20083.17 (2)8.27 (11)17.11 (32)18.97 (44)25.36 (71)22.198.00<0.001
 201712.82 (10)19.61 (30)18.54 (33)20.87 (43)35.34 (88)22.522.76<0.001
Public services C-section rate
 200820.69 (18)25.47 (27)31.46 (28)34.25 (25)29.27 (24)8.581.410.324
 201712.87 (35)19.66 (46)25.97 (47)33.12 (51)39.58 (38)26.713.08<0.001
  • *RD=rate difference between poorest and richest quintiles, RR=rate ratio between poorest and richest quintiles. P value compares poorest quintile to richest quintile using χ2 test.

  • †This was the C-section rate among women who reported use services provided by public or private providers. Home births were not included in this analysis.

  • C-section, caesarean section.