Table 1

Global standards for quality healthcare for adolescents (reproduced from WHO, 2015)14

WHO standardKey concept
Standard 1. The health facility implements systems to ensure that adolescents are knowledgeable about their own health, and they know where and when to obtain health services.Adolescent health literacy (demand)
Standard 2. The health facility implements systems to ensure that parents, guardians and other community members and community organisations recognise the value of providing health services to adolescents and support such provision and the utilisation of services by adolescents.Community support (demand)
Standard 3. The health facility provides a package of information, counselling, diagnostic, treatment and care services that fulfils the needs of all adolescents. Services are provided in the facility and through referral linkages and outreach.Appropriate package of services (supply)
Standard 4. Healthcare providers demonstrate the technical competence required to provide effective health services to adolescents. Both healthcare providers and support staff respect, protect and fulfil adolescents’ rights to information, privacy, confidentiality, non-discrimination, non-judgemental attitude and respect.Providers’ competencies (supply)
Standard 5. The health facility has convenient operating hours, a welcoming and clean environment and maintains privacy and confidentiality. It has the equipment, medicines, supplies and technology needed to ensure effective service provision to adolescents.Facility characteristics (supply)
Standard 6. The health facility provides quality services to all adolescents irrespective of their ability to pay, age, sex, marital status, education level, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other characteristics.Equity and non-discrimination (supply)
Standard 7. The health facility collects, analyses and uses data on service utilisation and quality of care, disaggregated by age and sex, to support quality improvement. Health facility staff are supported to participate in continuous quality improvement.Data and quality improvement (demand)
Standard 8. Adolescents are involved in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of health services and in decisions regarding their own care, as well as in certain appropriate aspects of service provision.Adolescents’ participation (demand)