Table 6

Practical questions to support formation of preference

ThemeFactorDescriptionPractical questions to support identification of preference for patientsPractical questions for clinicians to ask patients to support identification of preference
Situation of careClinical statusThe healthcare complaint the patient experiences, its stability, reversibility and its impact on the patient in conjunction with other complaints.
  • Does my problem require me to be seen in person?

  • Would having a virtual appointment make things easier for me?

  • Does your problem require you to be seen in person?

  • Would having a virtual appointment make things easier for you?

Treatment requirementsThe treatment and management of the complaint that is required. The restrictions imposed on the patient.
  • Can the treatment I need be delivered virtually?

  • Do you think the treatment you need can be delivered virtually?

Care pathwayThe availability of healthcare to the patient
  • What do I need from my clinician to support me with a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • What can I do to support you with a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

Expectations of careDesire for contactWhether the patient / healthcare professional believes the F2F is more of a capable method of care delivery than VC.
  • Do I think my issue can be best managed by a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • Does my healthcare professional think my issue can be best managed by a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • Do you think your issue could be best managed by a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • Do you believe I think your issue could be best managed by a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

Psychological statusThe psychological status of the patient and the impact of this on care across different delivery formats.
  • How would a virtual appointment affect me?

  • Am I comfortable seeing myself on a screen?

  • How would a virtual appointment affect you?

  • Would you be comfortable seeing yourself on a screen?

Previous careExperience of previous care
  • Could my previous treatment have been managed successfully virtually?

  • Do you think your previous treatment could been managed successfully virtually?

Perceived requirementsThe negotiated requirements of the session
  • How can my problem be managed best?

  • Can my problem be managed by a face-to-face or virtual appointment?

  • How can your problem be managed best?

  • Can your problem be managed by a face-to-face or virtual appointment?

Demands of careCare requirementsThe requirements of care
  • What do I need to during my rehab?

  • Can I achieve this?

  • What does your care require of you?

  • Can you achieve this?

Social demandsThe competing life demands that can interfere with healthcare.
  • What other things do I need to do that might get in the way of a F2F or VC?

  • What other things do I need to do that might get in the way of a F2F or VC?

Consequences of choiceThe impact of choice
  • What do I need to do if I choose a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • What do you need to do if you choose a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

Capacity to allocate resources to careFinancialThe ability to free up financial resources
  • What would the financial impact be for me if I choose a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • What would the financial impact be for you if you choose a face-to-face or a virtual appointment??

InfrastructureAccess to material and informational resources
  • Do I have access to what I need to have a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • Do I understand how to use what is needed for a virtual appointment?

  • Do you have access to what you need to have a face-to-face or a virtual appointment??

  • Do you understand how to use what is needed for a virtual appointment?

Social capacitySupport available through social network
  • Do I have anyone who could support me with a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • Do you have anyone who could support you with a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

Healthcare systemSources of healthcare capacity
  • How can my healthcare professionals support me to access my care with either a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • How can we support you to access your care with either a face-to-face or a virtual appointment?

  • F2F, face-to-face consultation; VC, virtual consultation.